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96 wagon with lights issue

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so, i have this awesome 96 legacy l wagon with 255,000 mi on it. there are a few minor issues [needs tires and brakes], but the thing that happened today is baffling me. the running lights stay on when all other systems are off, and the key is not even in the ignition. any idea what might cause that? short of, well, a short? other than disconnecting the battery, i don't know what to do. help?
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well you are a subaru virgin. let tell you where the switch is to correct your condition.


there is a rocker switch on top of the plastic surrounding the steering column. turn it off, so the rd line is not showing.


now you are not a virgin any more. :lol: was it as good for you as it was for us????


also known as the ''battery kill switch''.

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ok ok, enough already. that makes sense - i had the interior cleaned today, and the guy that did it must have been a newbie.

thanks for pointing out the obvious!

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  • I Donated

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You would be amazed how many people have asked that question. Literally EVERYONE on their first subaru asks about that


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unfortunately, this is not my first - its my fifth. i just had a moment of extreme dumbness there. i've not had to use that switch for some years, and if i'd been un-lazy enough to detail the car myself, it wouldn't have happened at all.

you may now laugh and point at the dumb guy. :)

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actually i have never asked about it, i read about it before i ever had a problem.


BUT, i did turn it on by accident one day and did not know it. a neighbor knocked on my door a 10pm to tell me my lights were on.


so yeah, it happens to all of us sooner or later.

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i knew about the switch, but it has been so long since i've used it, that i forgot about it. plus, i hadn't touched it, and didn't realize it *had* been touched.

like i said, a moment of extreme dumb. please don't kick me out of the club, guys. i've been driving one subie or another since the late 80s. its the only car i'll buy.

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