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Does anyone know madcatz?


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Purchased a lip from him about 3 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago he said he found a box and would have it out within a few days. I see he sold alot of stuff with no issues so i dont want to jump to conclusions and figure i got ripped off. Just wondering if anyone knows him and maybe he was hurt or something happened too him. Would liek to know before i file a dispute with paypal. He seems like a decent guy form his posts so figure i would do this before taking further steps.
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Have you PM'd him?



Exhausted all possible means to contact him?

Making this thread to publicly question his should've been the absolute LAST step.




I do know him, if you absolutely cannot get in touch with him let me know and I may be able to get a hold of him through mutual friends.

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I have pmd maybe 3-4 times within the past 2-3 weeks emailed the paypal address i have. Not much else i can do he has his aim name but the few times i have checked he hasnt been on. Im more worried something happened to him as i said his feedback and everything is great and hes a donating member so i figure he is a decent guy.


This also was my last step. Seeing as with paypal theres a 30 day limit before you can dispute a claim and well its comign up ont hat if thats what needs to be done.


I wouldnt just post this in the open without trying other way to contact him trust me.

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Like i said i wasnt worried about the parts as much seeing as you seemed to be an upstandign member with many positive dealings through the board. So i was wondering if somethign had happened to you. I hope everything works out. Goign to PM you now.
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