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BMW Sync's with the iPod

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Not everyone has to be an iPod/MP3 player fan. Why the 60 GB? Partly because they can. The hard drives get bigger, so Apple wants to sell expensive iPods to those who want and can afford them. Plus iPods are getting new features like being able to store large numbers of photos directly from digital cameras, and maybe even digital video cameras in the near future. An accessory can now take external audio, like reminder messages or dictation. It already has an alarm clock, and an address book (from your computer, in most cases.) All sorts of things that can be done with a portable hard drive. They are not cheap, but they are not ultra expensive when considering how much data they hold. most other MP3 players at that level are about the same price. Any MP3/solid-state digital player is much more reliable and sturdy for car use than CDs (always get scratched in car players, for obvious reasons.) not to mention easier to manage than sorting CDs in the car. Other mass-music systems, like a "Music Keg" style MP3 setups for cars are also not cheap, and don't work outside the car. The 400CD changer on my home stereo wasn't cheap either. it is huge, heavy, and can't be moved without unloading it. And it isn't as easy to use as an iPod. At least it keeps my cds undamaged, sorted, and ready to play. An iPod, or other large cap MP3 player, will hold that much music and more, and have room to spare, on a device the size of a small deck of cards, and goes with you. You could also use an iPod as a portable hard drive for your computer. You do get what you pay for with it, but it certainly is a lot of money, and not a priority for everyone.
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