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charging an capacitor


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This has nothing to do with how you write. This has to do with the sort of basic questions you are asking, which indicates lack of knowledge in the matter and you are playing with hardware that can kill you.

Please don't become a Darwin award winner. Let someone that knows what they are doing handle your work.

You are looking down the barrel of a loaded gun.


Don't know about you but I like to lern stuf.

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Don't know about you but I like to lern stuf.


Fair enough, but there's different approaches to learning. For this particular subject, I think it would be best for you to learn by observing someone who has done it before, and have them install it in your car. Yes, it's not as hands-on as you'd like, but again -- you're dealing with a device that could kill you. If you accidentally touch the charged capacitor's positive terminal with one hand and the negative terminal with the other, you could die. If you accidentally bridge the terminals with a screwdriver, you could die. If you install it improperly in your vehicle, it could explode, and you could die.


If you'd like to know anything else, here you go: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=capacitor+installation

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A capacitor by design is used to stiffen voltages. They work effectively for car stereos to maintain voltage as high-power amps cause a voltage drop during transient situations when the bass hits.


A mis-handled "4 farad" 14.4V cap won't kill you but it could leave a nasty burn.


Use a resistor to limit the amount of current to the capacitor. You want to hook up an RC circuit with large resistors to limit the current. A 1k-ohm resistor in series with the battery with a 1k-ohm resistor in parallel with the capacitor should be sufficient.



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I used to love it at TAFE (apprentice school here in Aus) we would charge up small capacitors, I'm talking microfarad caps, and throw them at someone when he wasn't looking. Great times had by all in that class LMAO.


Yeah, we did this in tech school as well. The caps used for the flash in disposable cameras work very well for this.

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I have calculated that a VBG1 could run off of a 4Farad cap:eek: for about 6.5 minutes.


The link http://www.caraudiohelp.com/car_audio_capacitor_installation/car_audio_capacitor_installation.htm


is a good one. They explained that it's safe to pre-charge the cap with say a 1k resistor.


If you run the calculations over here http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/capchg.html


You will find that it takes a very long time to charge through a 1k, but they suggests that so you don't cause peak currents to get crazy. Once it's charged it's safer to hook up directly b/c the peak charge currents will be much lower.


Peak charge currents of 4Farads directly to the battery would be in excess of 140 Amps assuming direct connection of about .1 ohms. Yikes. 4 Farads! :spin:

VBG1 gauges available at www.gtboostgauge.com
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