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parts from a 98 onto a 94 and heatercore replacement

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So im doing a major job on my own right now and that is im attempting to repace my heatercore in my 94 legacy wagon. problem is getting to it and ive got most of the dash and center console in pieces and ive stopped at the point of making it indrivable. im afraid to go any further because it means disconnecting lots of wires and the speedometer cable. any tips on doing that? i really dont want to put it in the shop cuz im too cheap for that. also, my car is a right hand drive model so everything is like a mirror of a normal car. does that mean i need to get a right hand drive model of heatercore? any info is super appreciated.




my second question is about talking things from a 98 legacy wagon I found at the junk yard and putting them in my car. things like the stereo, speakers, maybe tires, maybe seats, maybe windshield, front grill, maybe headlights,and probably more things that i cant think of right now. my main concern is the stereo and speakers. are the stereo hookups on the 98 the same as the 94? if so that would be GREAT. i have a feeling speakers wont be a problem.

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  • I Donated

heater core should be the same. There isn't much too a heater core....an in and an out for antifreeze.


like Zues said, 90 - 99 all have the same stereo connections. I wouldn't bother buying junkyard speakers though - just get a decent set of aftermarket speakers....and an aftermarket deck while you're at it.


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im fairly certain that the speakers in the 98 suby are going to be 100 time better than what i have. the only speaker that works in my car is the one on the driver door. im sick of my music coming out of one speaker and its pretty week sound. unless you think i should REALLY just get some after market speakers then i might. gotta be CHEAP tho. thanks for the info guys.




anyone still got any tips on dash board removal?

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