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If my Legacy GT was made by Mazda, it too would be smiling..

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Gotcha on the attention grabber! Don't worry, I don't want this made by Mazda. :lol:


Now on to the story.


I'm sure everyone here knows of Copart. If you don't, just know they are basically an insurance car scamming auction site. Well, this is where my 2005 Legacy GT came from.


Now I wasn't going to buy some salvage, reconstructed or anything of the sort kind of car, I wanted a clean title. Low and behold, a 56xxx mile ("not actual mileage"..which i'll get to) OBP, auto-stick, running, clean title LGT comes along. We bid, we win...now comes the fun part. My dad wants to have it towed in on a platform. He personally knows this guy, so the guy calls him saying driving the car on the platform felt like it had no power. Ok, we scratch our heads a little. We drive it that night and all seemed well..but wait, still no power. My dad is a mechanic by the way, so he felt like the tranny might've been slipping. A few days later, the car can't even make it up a hill. Oh crap..guess it's not the tranny. We find it is the dreaded #4 spun bearing, turbo blown, metallic chunks in engine Legacy GT. Awesome! Copart never mentioned mechanical damage... Hmm.. Next to find out, it ACTUALLY has 138xxx on the motor as per the title, that for some reason, Copart also can't mention! Even more awesome!


So now, finally, the car is on the road. It took from June 1st to the first or second week in October to come up with the money and get it running. It has a brand new shortblock, turbo, brakes, rotors, an owner that will actually take care of it, and a mechanic who actually knows what he's doing. It's almost like a love story, isn't it? :wub:


This car is so sweet. All it needs now is a new rear bumper, roof fixing (hail), and a repainted hood/side skirt then the car will be fresh and good as new! I wish my dad knew how much I appreciated everything he did for me regarding this car. We never expected all of this, and I owe him so much but it will be paid off. It's almost like an honor for me to be driving something like this at almost 18 years old. Just thought i'd post this for the love of the Legacy. Everyone should appreciate such a nicely built car like this. Obviously my previous owner did not think so.



How about some pictures of this thing after I cleaned it today by hand and a picture of my old '95 Legacy LS.


From the old to the new:









Just wanted to share exactly why I love and will continue to love my Subaru. Thanks for reading!

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It's nice to see that an almost 18 year old driving a Legacy Gt appreciates the effort his parents went through to get it for him. It aggrevates me when people come on here cocky about ther LGT their mom and dad bought them brand new.


I'm glad things worked out for you and you probably learned a lot bout wrenching from your dad along the way. Enjoy the car, but remember just because you have the power of an LGT doesn't mean you know how to handle it yet. ( a lesson I learned the hard way driving more power than I should have had)


Car looks nice too btw ;)

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Like he said, be careful with the power.


Glad to hear you and dad have something in common. Take care of this car and it will give you years of fun. I've had mine since Jun04.

305,600miles 5/2012 ej257 short block, 8/2011 installed VF52 turbo, @20.8psi, 280whp, 300ftlbs. (SOLD).  CHECK your oil, these cars use it.


Engine Build - Click Here

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Thanks for the replies guys. I had to add to the story that I appreciate 110% the money my parents dished out here and the labor my dad put into the car just so I didn't sound cocky and i'm glad I didn't come off that way.


I drive this car like a granny though. A little boostin' every now and then but nothing crazy at all. My friends tell me I drive slower in this car than the old one. After all, I do have to put about $50 worth of gas in the thing per week/week and a half. :lol:

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nice too see another young member who cares about there car... I wouldn't have mine if it weren't for my mom...


On the power note, I almost shat my pants the first time a drove an LGT, the dealer just threw me the keys and said go take her for a spin... so i did and on the first turn I down shifted into second and punched it out of the turn and dammmmmmnnnn I was hooked and shaking...

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Glad to see another young LGTer who appreciates what his parents did to help him out. I'm a young owner myself who had some down payment help from his parents, be thankful for the help. And like people said, BE CAREFUL WITH THE POWER! Get familiar with the car and what it does/how it handles. The last thing we want to see is a another young driver get into an accident because of recklessness (not saying that's you, it sounds like you have a good head on your solders.) These cars are pretty fun, and very capable.


The car looks great too! Have fun with it, and good luck getting her just the way you want it. It seems like it's a never ending process.


On the power note, I almost shat my pants the first time a drove an LGT, the dealer just threw me the keys and said go take her for a spin... so i did and on the first turn I down shifted into second and punched it out of the turn and dammmmmmnnnn I was hooked and shaking...

Haha that's great. I was the complete opposite when I test drove mine. I was a 19-year-old who just finished a long, tiring day of work over summer vacation. I had an old guy of a salesman with no personalty, who knew nothing about the car riding shotgun. I drove the thing like a grandma and short shifted each time. I was actually disappointed when I owned the car and got on it the first few times. Stage 2 has changed that though ;).

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RJS, i'm definitely still getting used to how it handles. I noticed the turns it makes can be made very quick with hardly much turn of the wheel. It's interesting but just gotta be careful how much to turn it. In my opinion, the car is actually very easy to drive and judge as of now. I'm really loving it! Thanks for the comment though. My father taught me well how to drive. He's a great driver himself. Not any sort of track guy but put him on a track and I bet he'll know what he's doing after a few shots at it.


Jaylyons, thanks for the compliment. I love the color too and i'm sure your ABP is very nice. I think that color has a lot of potential exterior mod wise.


porterdog, i'd rather not post the price because it's pretty embarrassing how bad we got ripped off..

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Another youngin' on the boards! I'm going to be 21 in a week, and I bought my car when I was 19. My parents aren't paying for the car or anything, but my mom does help out by giving me a hundred a month for insurance, and I don't think she even realizes how much I appreciate her doing that. Be careful and enjoy your car bud. 250 horsepower is a lot for someone who's 18 years old.
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