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Need advise about 09 3.0R Limited


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Currently I am looking at 2009 3.0R Limited and I am currently driving a 2009 3.0R Non-Limited.


The reason for the change is mostly because of the interior, I like the 6 CD changer stereo of the Limited version and the audio controls on the steering wheels. I am kinda digging the leather interior but it isn't a must and the car I am looking at has navigation system as well, which isn't entirely necessary for me. But the limited version has a black exterior, which I don't entirely like because I prefer current non-Limited which is silver color.


Another reason why I want to get the limited version is because I believe that it will be easier to sell a limited car than non-limited version.


Both my car and the dealer's car has almost the same mileage, so mileage isn't the problem here.


The dealer is asking roughly $25,500 for the car and they are willing to take my car in at $20,000. That means I have to top up additional $5500-$6000 for the limited version car.


I know the dealer is slightly overpricing the car by probably $1,400 (Edmunds.com is saying the car is worth around $24,100). However, I believe that if I am serious about buying it, the dealer might lower the price slightly for me. I know for a fact that the car has been sitting on the lot for roughly almost 2months already. But is it worth for the change?

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Not sure about the final production numbers, but I'm pretty sure these cars are fairly rare. It is overpriced to most, but it may be worth it to you if you really wanted it.


See how easy it is to find another used limited in the area. That should answer your question.

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Do you mean it is rare as a 3.0R or 3.0R Limited?


Yeah, I do realize that 3.0R cars are rare by itself and the limited version is way more difficult to find. :(



Truthfully, they are probably both pretty rare. The likelihood of you finding the same car again is slim. I would try to bargain down, but if you really want it, then you should spend the money and get it. The premium of a couple thousand dollars isn't that much compared to regret of not having what you want in your car for the next 5-10 years....


But then again, these are my value and probably explain why I spend so much money on my car and why I'm on this site to begin with. (Otherwise I'd be driving an insight/civic/corolla appliance car and I'd be content with that!) :spin:

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The price seems kind of high. I got my 09 GT brand new for $21600. I guess if they can sell it for that, it's good for my resale. :)


You could also buy some of those upgrades for less than $5000.


Obviously the car isn't "easier" to sell if it's been sitting on their lot for that long! :lol:


I guess a lot of it depends on how long you are keeping the car, but if it were me, I wouldn't do it.

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Thanks for the replies guys.


I seriously love my currently car and I have been seriously debating with myself recently about getting the Limited version. I want the audio controls on the steering wheels so badly. :(


I guess I won't be changing my car.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I agree with others that the price sounds kind of high. Your problem may be your trade. You might want to try and sell your car privately and then go knock the dealer down on the price of the Limited. My guess right now is that if you try to bargain him down on the Limited, he's going to lower the price on yours to maintain the spread. I'm pretty sure that the price spread on new '09s -- Limited vs. non-Limited -- was NOT $5,500.
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Thanks for the replies guys. The car I was looking at got taken away by someone else. :(. I also think that the high price is probably due to the area I am in. Washington seems to have the highest rate of sale for Subaru vehicles. The demand is pretty high and the supply isn't much.


Right now I am at peace with myself since there isn't a 3.0R limited within 1,000miles of my area. :)

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I say lurk around the for sale threads on here and the audio forum and see what it will take to upgrade your audio controls, then try to find some used. AFAIK the steering wheel controls stayed the same from the 1st year they added them thru '09. The stereos are also cross compatible, older models didn't have Aux-In.


There are a couple threads where people have upgraded just the components you want, and it's def cheaper than $5500. I'm sure a few people have "upgraded" their steering wheels and are trying to get rid of oem with controls. If not look up Fred Beans and see what the upgrade kit cost.


Best of luck!

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