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Please help...Rear seat

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I know this is supposed to be in interior section.


How da hell you remove the rear seat cushion? I figured out getting the REAR PART of the cushion out but i cant figure out the front part. It seems there are 2 hooks holding it in place but i cant figure out the smooth technique to get it out.

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Are you talking about the seat bottom?


If so just pull :) The back should not come up until the front has been lifted and the cushion moved forward, unless it was installed the wrong the last time - the back part needs to be slid under some interlocking clips before the front part is snapped into place.

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yes the bottom. i remember when i removed the seat bottom from my honda accord, the seat bottom had a HOOK mechanism. meaning i had to hold it from the BACK of the seat bottom and slide it out out so it comes right out following the curve of the hook.


my question is, are there a HOOK style thingy at the front of the seat bottom? or do the just go straight down in a clip?

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