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Teach 'em while they are young

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I'm getting excited for the 2010 detailing season to start around here. It keeps toying with me, but we are still a couple weeks away from consistent 50 degree weather. One of the reasons I'm really excited is because my oldest boy (6 1/2) is getting good at this whole detailing thing. I thought I'd post a little brag post about his training and his little brother's training.


The first job I got him started on was filling the bucket. That is something easy that any kid can do. It makes them feel good to make the bubbles. Start them out by just filling it, but as they get older then you can start teaching them about which soap to use for different cars.






The next easiest thing for little kids to do is wipe down the wheels after you have washed them. Just give them a microfiber and tell them to get the drips off. This will train their little fingers to be very detailed as well as getting the experience of wiping things down.





Graduate them from wheels to getting the drips that collect under the rear deck lid and drip out of the gas cap. It saves a lot of time to have them chase those drips around for you.






I would normally say to start them on washing the car, but they need to be a little older. Once they get tall enough, or if you start them when they are four or five, then they can start by washing the bumpers at least. I've found that those are more durable as far as paint goes and there is less chance that they are going to damage anything.




Of course, have them get more experience by washing other things too.




I've had my boy clay a few bumpers in his day too. Again, because the paint is more durable, I don't worry about him damaging anything. It is great when you have a car with bugs on the bumper or around the fog lights and you just want to keep the little guy busy for awhile. If the car is low enough, you can even start teaching him how to do it right after they get some experience.




Before you freak out that I have him working on a $150K Porsche, you should know the owner is a good friend of mine and he was standing there the whole time laughing.


Vacuuming is another great task to start kids out on. I started Erik out young as did I with his 2 year old brother. They are both expert vacuum operators at this point.






Clearly child labor laws don't apply at OCDetails. lol


Interior detailing is something your kids can help out with too. I like letting my kids loose with a bottle of Meguiar's Quick Interior Detailer. It is safe on everything and it isn't that expensive, so I don't worry that they hold the bottle 2 inches from the surface when they spray. (they learn)




Windows are also a good thing, but you'll probably have to go over those again for sure. It is a good thing to have them do since it is their fingerprints all over the place anyway. My boy keeps his area of the van much cleaner knowing he is responsible for detailing it if he makes a mess.




Waxing by hand is something I'll let my boy do to my bike or on the bumpers, but since he can't reach the entire panel on many cars, I tend to do most of the waxing myself.




It takes awhile before they can be let loose with a polisher too, but once you have gone this far with them, try talking them out of a turn to hold the machine for a couple minutes. :)






Buffing off the wax is also something they are good at. Erik's job is to go over the car when I am done and make sure I haven't missed any spots. This goes along with their drip spotting tasks.




And of course, let's not forget about the cleanup. :) They love helping put things away. I'm not ready to let them loose on the cleaning of the pads, but Erik figured out the Pad Washer right after I got it out of the box and assembled.




So the point is that you should include your kids in your detailing hobby. Don't necessarily let them run loose in customer cars, but let them help maintain the family fleet. It will teach them more than you realize. Work ethic, cleanliness, team work, and a love for the best darn job in the world!




“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Don't count out your daughters either. They can be helpful. Erik has done his best to show her what to do.








She usually just ends up like this though...




But most of the time she just supervises and lets us know what we should be doing. lol




I believe she is reminding us of the virtues of using microfiber instead of t-shirts. lol Gotta love kids, I tell ya.


A few of you on this board have been to my house and know what goes on. If my kids aren't trying to sword fight you or play ball with you, then they are trying to detail your car. lol I tell ya... Still, I feel pretty lucky to have the kids I have. They are good helpers.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Cute kids.


How loud is your vacuum?


My shop vac is so obnoxiously loud I hate using it without hearing protection.


Make sure you protect their hearing as it sucks later in life if you don't (I know all too well).

It is still ugly.
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ya I wish my dad would of been more encouraging for me to help him when he worked on his car, that way i wouldnt be where I am now without any knowledge or experience and it totally will teach them to respect there car in the future my dad threw his old coffee cups and drink containers behind the drivers seat, and now im stuck in his bad habit :p rolling recyling bin
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Cute kids.


How loud is your vacuum?


My shop vac is so obnoxiously loud I hate using it without hearing protection.


Make sure you protect their hearing as it sucks later in life if you don't (I know all too well).


It isn't that loud. In fact, I'd say it is probably quieter than my wife's Dyson she uses in the house. I'm hoping to get a metro vac this year. I'm not sure how loud it is, but word on the street is that they really suck. No pun intended...


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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How do I get one of your hats?


You have to give up your freedom and live in a box under my back porch and work for me for 18 years without much compensation. Sound like a deal? :D


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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lol It wouldn't be so funny if it weren't for the outfit she is wearing. lol I kind of wanted to raise a tomboy for a daughter, but she is definitely going to be able to pull 'girly girl' out of her pocket when she wants to. lol


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Haha, good stuff. I wanted to say a quick "thanks" to you... I have been using your advice for almost four years with my Legacy and I still get compliments on how new it looks (and smells inside).


This year I am going to try some P21S after my normal Wolfgang polish/seal routine and try to really get the GRP to pop!

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Cute kids. Looks like you got them trained well too! I need to really learn to do a good job with detailing, as this car won't be dragged through car washes like my old trucks were. How much for you to come out to NH? :lol:

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-Ronald Reagan

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