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Yet Another Gripe Thread

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People have previously griped that the:


- Paint, aka Exterior, sucks - chips easily

- Interior sucks - cheap material

- Frameless Windows suck - flimsy

- Door Thud sucks - not like BMW

- Remote Fob sucks - too sensitive

- Tires suck - sub-par winter performance

- Brakes suck - too much fade

- Transmission sucks - stinky, notchy

- Seats suck - uncomfortable

- Gas Mileage sucks - 14mpg

- Stereo sucks - not McIntosh

- Rearend sucks - looks like a Camry

- Frontend sucks - looks like an Altima

- Rattles suck - annoying

- Accelerator pedal sucks - too sensitive, not proportional

- Seats heating sucks - too hot, WEIRD

- Mirrors suck - whistle, warped

- Carpet sucks - slide around

- Carpet hook sucks - breaks off

- Steering wheel sucks - doesn't telescope

- Rear spoiler sucks - obstructs rearview

- Suspension sucks - too much roll

- Wipers suck - whistle

- Roof sucks - allows water to drip inside

- Exhaust sucks - not loud enough

- Engine sucks - stutters

- Daytime Running Lights suck - makes you forget to turn on night lights, :lol:decreases mileage:lol: Ok I made that up

- Handling sucks - IT SUCKS

- 1/4 times suck - too slow

- Breakin period sucks - can't drive it like you stole it

- Headlight suck - not HID

- Auto-Climate Control sucks - not user friendly

- HVAC sucks - proprietery face plate

- Dealer sucks - not mod friendly

- Trunk lid sucks - doesn't pop out, have to lift it up

- Hood sucks - doesn't stay up on its own

- Fog lights suck - uh oh THEY SUCK



If you've got a gripe with something else, post your rant, and please don't start a new thread.


Mods please make it a sticky.



Coming soon:

- AWD sucks - understeer



EDIT: I'm just compiling a list of all the gripes I've come across so that people would stop creating new threads. I love the car and I pity the fool who gripes.

I keed I keeed
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Huh. I think it's the finest automobile I've ever owned, and the best value I've seen in my 20 years in the business.


Compare it to a similarly priced Malibu Maxx LT. I have to take product knowledge tests on the Chevrolets, and they compare the Malibu with the Legacy. You would be surprised to find how far they stretch to find advantages for the Malibu; "available factory installed remote start".


I own both cars, a Legacy and a (2001) Malibu. Compared to the Legacy, it's as if the Malibu was designed and built by trolls.




FRA-GEE-LAY... It must be Italian!
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Just because something isn't perfect doesn't mean it sucks. I've heard people with BMWs and Porsches bitch harder than any of us do about their cars.


How about this for a gripe... the car outperforms cars that cost thousands more. They should have charged more for the car so that it would be out of the price range of people who have nothing else to do but nitpick about the little things on a such a great car.


If you wanted a BMW then you should have ponied up the money for one. Its a bloody Subaru, alright? Its not an Italian race car or a German exotic import. Its just a Subaru. Of course it has quirks. For everybody who is so dissatisfied with their Legacy, I'd just like to know of one car that you actually didn't whine constantly about. If I could put any banner on this site that I wanted then it would be the bumper sticker I saw the other day that said "Shut Up And Drive".


Here's a site suggestion.... we need a whining section. A place for people to go to complain about things on their cars that aren't actually warranty issues, but annoy them all the same. That way it keeps it seperate from the valid concerns about the car. Seriously though... that would be an excellent way to thin out some of this stuff.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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People have previously griped that the:


- Paint, aka Exterior, sucks - chips easily

- Interior sucks - cheap material

- Frameless Windows suck - flimsy

- Door Thud sucks - not like BMW

- Remote Fob sucks - too sensitive

- Tires suck - sub-par winter performance

- Brakes suck - too much fade

- Transmission sucks - stinky, notchy

- Seats suck - uncomfortable

- Mileage sucks - 14mpg

- Stereo sucks - not McIntosh

- Rearend sucks - looks like a Camry

- Frontend sucks - looks like an Altima

- Rattles suck - annoying

- Accelerator pedal sucks - too sensitive, not proportional

- Seats heating sucks - too hot, WEIRD

- Mirrors suck - whistle, warped

- Carpet sucks - slide around

- Carpet hook sucks - breaks off

- Steering wheel sucks - doesn't telescope

- Rear spoiler sucks - obstructs rearview

- Suspension sucks - too much roll

- Wipers suck - whistle

- Roof sucks - allows water to drip inside

- Exhaust sucks - not loud enough

- Engine sucks - stutters

- Daytime Running Lights suck - makes you forget to turn on night lights, decreases mileage

- Handling sucks - IT SUCKS

- 1/4 times suck - too slow

- Breakin period sucks - can't drive it like you stole it


If you've got a gripe with something else, help me complete the list and post your rant, and please don't start a new thread.


Mods please make it a sticky.


Coming soon:

- AWD sucks - understeer


Dudes!! Did you guys even look at the car before u bought it? Test drive? Think about it 10 seconds before u bought it? I suggest u take the cars back to the dealer and go get something else.

These are funny:

-Break in period sucks-cant drive it like u stole it. What?? This is your fault!!! U bought it. Drive it how ever u freakin want.

-Daytime running lights-makes u forget to turn on your lights. Rediculous. You forget to turn on your lights. The car makes u do nothing.

-1/4 times suck - too slow Buahaha!!! This isnt a drag car. It wasnt built for that. If u wanted a 1/4 mile performer go get a Yenko Comaro.


Mods, pls dont make this whine fest a sticky. This thread is a waste.


***Disclaimer*** This isnt directed at the original poster. Its directed at all the whiners!!

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Here's a site suggestion.... we need a whining section. A place for people to go to complain about things on their cars that aren't actually warranty issues, but annoy them all the same. That way it keeps it seperate from the valid concerns about the car. Seriously though... that would be an excellent way to thin out some of this stuff.

Good idea, so how about it Mods ?

I keed I keeed
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I get the sarcasm of some of the gripes listed, and looking at them all together makes it look like a major bitch fest, but the truth is that most of these have been mentioned by different posters and are legitimate gripes (in their opinion). I love the car and wouldn't trade it for anything under $40K, but no car is going to be perfect, therefore I too have my gripes. I'd add a rear windshield wiper to the sedan, remedy the clutch stink issue, and I'd either add an audio upgrade option or the ability to upgrade ourselves. Otherwise, I couldn't be happier.


As for this thread, consolidation certainly makes for the appearance of general discontent. I only hope it doesn't deter anyone from joining the LGT family.




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We should add...


- auto climate control sucks - blows, but never the right temperature

- available luxury accessories suck - no nav option


I must say I agree with the original intent of this thread (and OCDetail's comment). Having a gripes section would keep it all in one place so that if folks wanted to voice their own disappointment - or listen to others gripe - they'd know where to go. Those who might want to steer clear of the "complaints" section could just avoid that forum.


[Naming the forum might be kind of fun - I'm wondering whether there's a fine line between a gripe, a complaint and a whine. :) ]


Also, I don't think having a forum for complaints would really say anything bad about the car. As many have said before, no car is perfect and some people have legit concerns. I do think putting them all together under one banner would allow folks to read them or avoid them more easily.

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People who complain about the 1/4 mile time and handling kill me. It's a damn family sedan. While I can whoop it in handling with my TA Firehawk, the 1/4 mile times are really close :eek:.
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What possible good can come from bitching about what you don't like about the car? I don't get it. Sure, others will agree or disagree, but what's the point? No car is perfect, not even a McLaren F1 (it overheats at low-speeds). :rolleyes:
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What possible good can come from bitching about what you don't like about the car? I don't get it. Sure, others will agree or disagree, but what's the point? No car is perfect, not even a McLaren F1 (it overheats at low-speeds). :rolleyes:


the only thing it would help with is someone who is looking for other's with the same confirmed problems so they don't think they are crazy...

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wouldn't the warranty section basically be a whining section as well!!?@?@?@? lol


Whining that the car isn't a BMW isn't a warranty problem. Whining that the car doesn't have a navigation system as an option isn't a warranty problem. If stuff like this was so important to the buyer, then why didn't they buy a car that had it? Some of you people sound just like a lady I know at work. She does things intentionally to put her in a tough spot so that she has a reason to complain. If she can't complain then she is miserable. If Navi is so important then why on earth did you buy a car without one? You did it so you would have a reason to complain about an otherwise perfect car for you.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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If you ask me, this car is a car of compromise, not compromise as settle for something, but compromise as in best of all worlds and only paying slight loss to whatever area overlaps.


The Legacy GT is a punch to the face of ANYTHING in the same class. Hands down best all around car, period.


People will always complain about something, let them be and appreciate whats given.



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CFar is correct. Every car is a compromise. Car-specific forums are far more nitpicky than the rest of the world, which is fine.


Sometimes, new car frenzy makes us less than reliable in assessing a vehicle, which might account for some of the post-facto grousing. Melayout's initial intention with this thread was pretty funny, actually.


I've had my GT for almost a year, and can't find any fault with it except that it doesn't come with a "get out of jail free" card.


It should also be noted that I have been labelled a "fanboy" in this very forum, so take anything I say with a grain of salt! :lol:



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It is such a relief to read something like this. It is good to know that there are more people out there who appreciate this car for what it is. And IMO, it is a terrific value for the money that does everything I wanted from a mid-size sedan and much more. Besides that, it is a beautiful design if you ask me.
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You know what would be interesting? I would be interested to see the ratio of drivers who have things to complain about broken down by leasers and buyers. Do you think it makes a difference? Would a buyer who has a vested interested in the car be pickier than someone who knows they are just going to get another one in a couple years? I'm a buyer and I have found that some of the things that bug me are things that are going to affect the car for the long term. Someone who is going to be turning the car back in at 36 months may be able to take those kinds of things with a grain of salt because they aren't really going to have to deal with it for as long. It would be interesting....


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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I have to agree that every car is a compromise. That being said, this is by far the best car I've ever owned (previous cars, in order - '85 Daytona, '84 SAAB 900T, '92 Maxima SE, '98 Passat, '96 SAAB 900SE, '05 Outback XT). Granted, that is not a high-end list, but several were in the high 20K/low 30K range.


Sure there are things I would like to see changed, but they are minor. For instance, I have the 5EAT and, while the buttons on the wheel are OK, I would have preferred one set for the tranny and the other for the radio. Also, the interior lighting is horrible. At least give us some front lights that turn on when you open the door (I know people have hooked these up to the center overhead light) - and while you are at, how about some ambient LED lighting. Lastly, I would love to have the rear LED fog lights. I am still trying to track these down and retrofit them.


Do these things make me regret my purchase? Not one bit. In fact, there is not a day that goes by where I don't say to myself "I really love my car". I really see me keeping it for a long time.




p.s. I will be at the Tribeca VIP event at the NYC Auto Show on Friday and I will mention these things to the Subaru reps. Can't hurt.

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