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air intakes

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Thinking about installing an air intake on my 07 Legecy 2.5. Was going to buy K&N but saw something called the Weapon R Dragon. Have never heard of the Weapon R- has anyone ever heard of this and how does it compare to the K&N intake.
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never heard ot that weapon R product, but Ive NEVER seen a complaint about the K&N Typhoon. just a heads up, it might be in your best interest to get a tune, if you change intakes. I believe its recomended on most aftermarket intakes with the excpetion of the Cobb SF intake. either way (even without an intake) a custom tune will def allow your subie to run more lean
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I remember a buddy of mine had a weapon-r way back in the day, so if they are still in business hopefully they have a decent product. I don't think you'd need a tune on the non-turbo model. Don't expect much in the way of power, but they do sound nice.
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Weapon R intakes are alright, but I don't like that they use crummy foam filter elements. That's not to say k&n's gauze is much better, but I'd take the k&n if given a choice between the two.
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In my experience, just bolting on an intake to an N/A car all you're going to do is loose some low end and gain some noise. If I had a 2.5i I would invest in some springs, or a rear sway, or maybe a front lip instead; more bang for your buck.
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never heard ot that weapon R product, but Ive NEVER seen a complaint about the K&N Typhoon. just a heads up, it might be in your best interest to get a tune, if you change intakes. I believe its recomended on most aftermarket intakes with the excpetion of the Cobb SF intake. either way (even without an intake) a custom tune will def allow your subie to run more lean

dumb question but do any of you get your SPT intake tuned or is it completely unnecessary(Which i think)

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IMO, which isnt very technical, but i wouldnt spend any bank on a tune unless I was adjusting the amt of air comming into the car and going out.... so untill I upgrade UP, DP i wont get a tune. The intake isnt the bottle neck comming from stock as far as air flow....once the bottle neck is upgraded (which would alter the amt of air flow through the car) then a tune would help the car perform and run better/safer. Most ppl would recomend a tune, but ill prolly hold out till stage II. More knowledgable members might have a better answer for ya tho...
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  • 3 weeks later...
dumb question but do any of you get your SPT intake tuned or is it completely unnecessary(Which i think)



You don't have to get it tuned...but if you don't tune for it, it doesn't do much except made noise. So then what was the point of adding it.

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I think he's more worried about over oiling and fouling the MAF as opposed to the actual job, at least that's what worries me. I had an AEM dry flow on the SPT intake and am looking for one to fit the Cobb because I'm anxious about over oiling, but they have a crazy size filter.
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You only need a small amount on the filter. The oil is designed to help catch smaller dirt particles to partially clog the filter. Once it catches that dirt it actually filters better because it's using the dirt to catch other small things that would slip through.
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i've cleaned and re-oiled the one on my car now 4 times. the only time i over oiled was the first time i did it and all it takes is a quick spray of maf cleaner...but that was something i couldve avoided entirely with the aem. from everything i've heard the aem functions 100% as well and the oiling is just easier to not do. your just rinse it out..no need for a "recharger" kit. which is also more cost effective. i've ALWAYS used k&n filters but if/when i get an lgt i'll prob make the switch to AEMs dryflow.
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