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Truck Burnout FAIL


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Nice how the A pillars collapsed completely. Sure as hell not very well built.


Not that I think they are well built... but... he did put the corner of the road into the glass.... i think most cars would collapse in the situation (except the super subaru A-pillars!!)

(Updated 8/22/17)

2005 Outback FMT

Running on Electrons

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Not that I think they are well built... but... he did put the corner of the road into the glass.... i think most cars would collapse in the situation (except the super subaru A-pillars!!)


I disagree, A pillars are supposed to be one of the strongest parts of the passenger cage area because they are vulnerable during rollovers. Dodge, Ford, and GM pickups were notorious for having weak pillars and passenger compartments. Apparently the last generation Dodge wasn't any improved in that regard.

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That should buff right out. :lol:


Most any Dodge with a V10 will stab you in the back. I've had a few Viper's almost do that to me.


"Back off the throttle you dummy" :rolleyes: He NEVER let off the throttle, look at the tire marks. Never saw the brake lights come on either.

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Not that I think they are well built... but... he did put the corner of the road into the glass.... i think most cars would collapse in the situation (except the super subaru A-pillars!!)


nope. i flipped my acura in a ditch like that, car didn't budge.




then, because the ground was so slippery (from the snow), they couldn't flip the car over to get it on the flatbed. so they dragged it up the back of the flatbed.... upside down. a-pillars stayed intact. perfect.

If you don't vote Trump, out, you're a bigot who hates america.
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then, because the ground was so slippery (from the snow), they couldn't flip the car over to get it on the flatbed. so they dragged it up the back of the flatbed.... upside down. a-pillars stayed intact. perfect.


Its so sad that so many tow truck operators have no clue what the hell they are doing. All he would have needed was a three foot long 4x4 with a grove in one end for the winch line, works like a charm. Or he could have used straps that wrapped around under the car like a cradle, either way would have rolled the car back over, snow or not..

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Everyone is bashing Dodge like it's their fault this guy is an idiot. I had a Dodge survive impacts with 3 deers, a Nissan pickup, an Oldsmobile Cutlass, and a Dodge spirit. 300K miles on the original clutch.


He took a heavy truck with an 8.3L engine and rolled it right onto the corner of the cab, all that weight, on a regular cab pickup truck. That's a lot of pressure to put on one corner of a tiny cab. Yeah, it should've held up better for such a low speed crash, but no matter how tough you make something there is always going to be some circumstance with the potential for disaster.


Never mind the fact that the truck is a body on frame design, and all the other cars with super strong A-pillars you guys are talking about have unibody construction, which means that pillar is part of the backbone of the car. The pillars on the Dodge only support the roof, the pillars on your Acura or Subaru support the entire car. Don't beleive me? Cut the roof off a car in the junkyard and stand on the front seats. The car will bow when you bounce up and down.


All cars sold in this country must be able to support their own weight on the roof, it's the law. The problem with this is that in a crash, the force put on the roof in a rollover can be multitudes higher than the weight of the car simply standing on the roof.

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i will say that this sucks for this guy, but HAHAHHAAHAHHA. and these laughs are comming from me- a guy who most of you would prolly call stupid for crashing my gt only 3 weeks after owning it.... but you have to admit that this video is the f*****g tits, for a FML LOL situation. HA
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