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I love this place

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I have been addicted to .com since I got my Legacy. Through these forums I continue to learn more about Legacies and cars in general.

I have been poking my head around nasioc a bit lately and have come to realize how wonderful legacygt.com really is. Those guys are mean as snakes. There is so much ego over there it leaves practically no room for productivity.

Legacies aren't only more grown up than WRXs...so are their owners.

Thanks members, for being helpful and civil enthusiasts.



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agreed. I used to know next to nothing about how cars really worked and engines and whatnot. not saying that i'm a pro, but i certainly have much more knowledge now than I used to, and this website and the people involved are all to thank (blame? :lol:) for that.
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I own both...I'm so conflicted! :spin:


Oh, and it's "their owners".


haha I am sofa king we todd ed. I am so hard on people when they use improper grammar. I have an English B.A. and here I am making an elementary school mistake. So embarrassing. Brain fart.

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