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S3: Subaru Summer Solstice, Santa Barbara, June 7th, 2009, 100+ Subarus Expected

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The TripleX Crew presents:






What to bring:

  • Beach Chairs
  • Ez'ups
  • Water/Cooler
  • Gas/Snacks


Caravan Information:


Link: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1756136


Hotel Information:


Best Western Encina Lodge & Suites

2220 Bath Street

Santa Barbara, California,



Original thread: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?p=25897612#post25897612

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List as of this post but PLEASE REPLY IN NASIOC THREAD :)



166 Registered and Growing!



1) ivexample

2) Antho...

3) hoppergrande

4) teh sash

5) 06STImulus

6) SG02WRX

7) TRooper

8) wrxugly

9) kennyvb


11) StuSSYsporT

12) kpSTi

13) RandomFocus

14) awdG35killer

15) kass145

16) kamyar12

17) boarder4life2112

18) AltronX

19) CaricuaoUD7

20) Luxirie

21) berny227

22) CaliforniaDistraught

23) wrx grl

24) JBee

25) anthonyrod1

26) anthonyfur

27) cypSTI

28) heffer

29) iheartmysuby

30) mhaas

31) TimeAtk

32) wteGDF

33) Its_Just_Yukio

34) d3300

35) Tarmac Junkie

36) G4ORCE

37) monkeytronZ

38) Suby_05

39) edekba

40) Z3RO

41) Bishop

42) wrx13oy

43) etownshooter2005

44) inov8tr

45) shauncovo

46) CHiBS

47) 909STi

48) grippy monkey

49) Izguard

50) Norman Helmet

51) hspn

52) bewarethebear

53) bucklidl

54) 08blackwrx

55) hyperboi05

56) instig8or

57) Deserted1

58) Steadydpn1

59) codemunky

60) mister hashimoto

61) JDAspenW02

62) imprezal0ve

63) mightyRS25

64) bildon

65) soob ftw

66) scalwrx06

67) gonzo009

68) markadopolus

69) kyosho

70) funky monk

71) thisisthenewsic

72) Rescuer (iclub)

73) youpers (iclub)

74) twizhimself

75) 05 STIGUY (ss)

76) rau (iclub)

77) sigma pi (iclub)

78) FLYSTI05 (iclub)

79) 07_sti (ss)

80) Vaughn Performance (ss)

81) jeremy25056

82) Roo (iclub)

83) Pleiad7 (iclub)

84) 1sick07 (iclub)

85) TmT

86) UCDgogie

87) HueroSTi (ss)


89) subiegillis83 (ss)

90) 04stiscooby (ss)

91) thejordan

92) stitremen2

93) tschida (iclub)

94) wrxchase (iclub)

95) driftRAE (ss)

96) grippy monkey

97) rabrina (iclub)

98) overbear (iclub)

99) slimboiphat (iclub)

100) Shayhan27 (iclub)

101) sebastiansally (iclub)

102) Spoolin415 (iclub)

103) A S K 1 SVX (ss)

104) AutobacsSubie

105) s33n (iclub)

106) xxkunsxx


108) tecnica tech (iclub)

109) jcovey2.5 (ss)

110) j3n50n

111) userian

112) paintbing

113) plzhelpmegrow

114) im2ninja4u (iclub)

115) James-SLO

116) wolfy_hockey88

117) x01011000x (ss)

118) Spooky

119) HighRevimpreza

120) Jack88

121) code3suby (iclub)

122) mario05

123) ptownbob (iclub)

124) slow04wrx (iclub)

125) jwc53531

126) GuammyBear

127) Kyle_R

128) msgsti217 (ss)

129) Jay-Jay (iclub)

130) RGates STI

131) omdwrx508

132) jimbix2003

133) southbayskates

134) TUNER34

135) FlyingTaco

136) ryanesp1000 (ss)

137) rex n effect

138) Oi_Oi_M8 (ss)

139) darkleif99 (iclub)

140) SedonaWRX (ss)

141) Yo6bd (ss)

142) 181stLeader

143) .one lane

144) jazzml (iclub)

145) Chatldy (ss)

146) Redils16 (iclub)

147) sti2envy (iclub)

148) DJ_Ronald S (iclub)

149) spiritr

150) Norrberrt

151) MonsterGC (iclub)

152) azhiaziamsubie

153) MikeLawry

154) Traxamillion (iclub)

155) jlemond

156) paulsaidhi

157) adamleibow (ss)

158) 123boost (ss)

159) mrklean (ss)

160) XmikeX

161) porTURBOer (iclub)

162) subie4life (iclub)

163) pookdizzlehtk

164) perry753 (iclub)

165) cartwheels4amile

166) BH5Ritch

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^^ really, a lot has changed.


We should roll up all the Legacys together. Meet & Drive, Hmmmmm...

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Exactly... more reason for all Legacy's to roll up at the same time. Nothing like making a statement :D
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Correction, we are now at 175 Registered for this event.


Sounds kind of cool to check out...if it wasn't for all the damn subaru ppl.


Lol! but yea I kinda relate. Much has changed in teh past 9 yrs of me and meets.


^^ really, a lot has changed.


We should roll up all the Legacys together. Meet & Drive, Hmmmmm...


Yeah, kinda sad to see a bunch of subie drivers lumped in with civic and integra fanboys, but there are some quality people too :)


Exactly... more reason for all Legacy's to roll up at the same time. Nothing like making a statement :D



We're looking forward in having some - hopefully many legacy's at the show. We have a great vendor lineup, as well as activities before and during the event. This event is unique to many of the previous events that we've/and others have done in Socal.


We hope to see y'all there!

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Parts for LGT's seem to be dwindling, so yeah the more the better, and hopefully with more someone notices. We need more vendor support.


I'm working with the wife (keeper of the family calendar) now to make this happen.

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We will be having a set of Toyo tires to raffle off, I hope y'all join us. Here is the updated flyer





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Well the way you take home 4 toyo tires from Santa Barbara is that


we'll be giving voucher for you to take home, you take it to Toyo and tell em which tires you want, and which size. You pick them up and your good to go.

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