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MSN Auto - First Drive: 2009 Subaru Legacy 2.5GT Limited


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Guest JessterCPA
Stickers add 1HP per, 5HP if it's NISMO or MUGEN-Power (wrong company, I know).


I think some people do not care & stick them on Subie's anyway. :lol:

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Wow, reading that article, there are some things wrong....First of all, the integreated key fobb remote is not new for 09. They had it on 08. Only difference in the remote for 09 is smaller and actually cheaper (i don't know why...usually the smaller one equals "newer/ish technology and is more expensive). Also, the gas mileage is wrong. I hate when people just put up an average as that means ABSOLUTELY nothing! Everyone drives different and I have even got 30+mpg on a stock LGT if I'm easy on the throttle and after a tune got even more. But after being tuned, I average 24-25 on highway with excessive spirited driving.


It's also funny that they consider the LGT the top of the line. Really the 3.0R is. It has a better suspension, navi and being it's a N/A H6, the acceleration is more linear and has a more comfortable feel. If I was going to sell a Legacy to someone wanting the top-of the line luxury, (and I do sell them...lol) I would put them in a 3.0R. If they wanted performance and that was there first priority (and yes I think the LGT is a better value), I would put them in a Spec.B.


But sometimes I really hate when people review cars, but they put in misleading information and when being on the sales side of things, when I get someone who's read these reviews and comes in not liking a car because jo-shmo says XYZ when he's completely way off, it makes me mad.


A good example of reviewers not getting things right is to look at gass mileage. Pick whatever car you want and look at what people say is the gas mileage (and mind you, they don't say "this is what WE got...", they say "the gas mileage is...").


Anyway, enough ranting. All in all, the review wasn't that bad. Just wanted to point out a couple of things. There are just soo many reviews out there and people who read them take them to be gospel and the reviewers are just way off a lot of times or are biased. They don't always look at the cars objectively, and therefore is doesn't do the person reading them any justice when they are trying to research a car.

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According to http://www.subaru.com/vehicles/legacy/index.html, the base list price for the Spec B is $34.5K and the base list price for the 3.0R Ltd is $29.9K... so I don't think the 3.0R would be the top of the line. I agree with verwilderd that the LGT is a better deal in terms of HP bang per buck than compared with the Shrek. But, at the end of the day, I'll still take the Shrek.


Here's a question - why can't you get the "top of the line" Outback LL Bean wagon with a stupid memory driver's seat? I am baffled it was not offered on our 08 LL Bean OBW.

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