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Hey guys and gals


Has anyone else here had troubles with rallitek as a company. I know they do alot in subuaru's with there products, I have one of there skid plates, and bought an AP from them.


Its the customer service that been ******* terrible...anyone else has this experience??

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I just ordered a rear sway bar from them. On-line I requested that the order be shipped USPS so that I would not have to pay UPS brokerage and custom fee. Sin called me at my office to let me know that it was too large to go USPS and he presented me with alternative shipping and prices which was a big help.


The roll bar I ordered is on back order, no big deal. Sin offered to send the rest of my order ahead of the bar for no extra charge. Not a big deal as I won't be installing this stuff till later anyway.


Prior to this I had made a request inquiring as to the release date for their new HD rear end links. He had referred me to Sean, who I now understand is a very busy guy. Sean didn't get back to me right away and when I was talking to Sin I let him know that I hadn't heard as to the rear links. He told me that he would remind Sean and that if not from Sean that Sin would update me.


Sounds like pretty good customer service to me! Are you trying to contact them by e-mail? If so maybe you should try their 1-800 number.


Good Luck!

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I've had nothing but good customer service from Rallitek. I bought my AP from them a while back and Sean has been good about helping me fine tune the maps. Granted it does take awhile due to the backlog of requests... :rolleyes:


I have a skid plate and sways on the way from them right now. I don't expect to be disappointed. Rallitek hasn't let me down yet.

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I had one problem with them one time. I called to order a part and the guy told me it wasn't in stock, but he could back order it and I'd have to wait a month or two, I told him to forget it I would just call back another time later one when they would have them in stock. A week later I called and just decided to pay for it and get it back ordered and when I called a different guy (forget their names sorry) told me they had it in stock and I was shocked to hear this. I told him that a week prior the other guy told me they wouldn't have it for a month or two. Because of the inconvenience the guy offered a slight discount and also shipped it to me UPS over night free of charge, which was pretty awesome since I'm in PA and they are in Oregon. So I'd have to say no problems except one time and they resolved it right away so I'd say pretty good customer service.
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O the products have been fine, my skidplate had to be moddified a bit to fit...but hoenstly to be expected.


Ive just had terrible service with getting A) the proper maps b)emails back c) the proper maps d) retunes and e)proper maps. its been ongoing for over a month. everytime i send a reply to the emails, im constently asked what car it is? year? etc etc, evne though these are emails within a string that alreayd states that a million times...jsut very frustrating, but as a consumer, makes me feel like im a nobody and they really dont value my busines..


Im not looking to start a bashing section here or anything, jsut trying to see if this is a common complaint amongest them....I wouldnt hesitiate to buy annything as the shipping and product's are nice...but the post purchase experience has been brutal

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They've been ok to me. A bit slow to ship sometimes.


I also ordered a few things and had to keep contacting them to get updates. They were always helpful tho. One of the items was back ordered (for months) but they called me before they charged me to make sure I still wanted it.


Aside from that, i really have no problem with them.

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