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'96 GT Wagon Wiper Motor Problems


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I have a problem with my wipers that is driving me crazy. Firstly, they go too far at both extremes. So at the top of the swipe, they go off the car on the driver's side. At the end, they slam into the bottom with great force. This causes the wipers to be extremely loud. 2ndly, the wipers speed is fine 80% of the time, but at other times they are extremely slow. Does anyone have a fix for this? Is there an adjustment or do I need a new motor assembly? If so, has anyone done this and is it as simple as bolt-on?
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Don't believe its a sensor, things were not that sophisticated back then.


Make sure the driver's side blade is not too long.


More than likely the crank arms are bent or have been replaced with the wrong parts.


Only things I know of to check.



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Open hood and see where cranks attach to motor.


There should be an odd shaped cam/bellcrank that attaches to the arms. If the bushing is worn or missing, you will get the erratic operation you're experiencing.


Watch the motion as the motor turns. There are plastic gears in the cranks and may have reached the end of their life.


Go to www.opposedforces.com , (can't find original poster to give credit).

save everthing now. Go to pages part of browser and save that way.


Will help in all your future endeavors.


Also search under vacation pix for other good stuff.


Lastly www.endwrench.com.


Hope this helps.



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