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Hello, I have a 3R as well and after reading what the guys on the forum have said, I decided against a CAI, and will just use a high performance drop in filter. But if you want to go down that road, you will have to remove the stock air intake box (there is a post showing how to do that, just do a search) and connect the filter etc for the CAI to the stock inlet pipe or you can have a custom made air inlet pipe made with the necessary bends for the CAI to be connected to.
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There isnt a CAI for the 3.0R as far as i know.


PM BoostJunkie, he made a custom one for his wife's trifucka (same ez30 engine) that he said made it very nice... and offered to make one for me when he had time, but i havent really bugged him 'bout it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
That's a good idea... there arent that many parts out there for us ... but then again ppl will flame that we're just heavy, over glorified 2.5i :lol:

Yeah, thanks the one thing that kinda irriitates me on this site. I mean, this is my 3rd subaru. I have a wrx, and had a legacy gt. I KNOW what boost feels like. I wanted something different. People can flame, but we all still drive subarus, right?

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i would think so ... but boys will be boys.


hate on what's different than you, its a phenomenom that's been going on for centuries... look how they hate on the sB ... its the SAME car xcept its better yet they flame on it and what not

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... i have boost envy hahahah... i cant keep up w/the rest of the socal turbo boys ... esp the ones that have fmic and what not...


we get on the freeway and ... i'm like uhhh wait for me!!!! :lol: But i'm happy w/my car. Plus i'm planning on not having boost envy in the future ... so we'll see how that goes


So who's the gonna start the 3.0 Thread? hahah

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i'll basically be the prototype car for it ... so yeah ... once my warrenty is up i'll talk to him some more ....


its just i dont know how much more power it'll give me ... and how "safe" it'll be, since i wanna keep this car for another .... 6 years?

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yea. Like I said with the compression our engines are already running at, throwing boost into it is gonna be dangerous. That's why I think I'm gonna wait till my warranty is up as well and just replace the engine and turn this car into more of a racer than a D/D when I buy my next care in 6+ years.
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Yeah, I wouldn't mind more power. I'll probably drop an Apexi or Greddy (I know they just filed for bankruptcy, but their parts are still out there) air filter and leave it alone until the warranty expires.


I'll poke around over here and see if there's anything other than the typical UP/DP/exhaust and a tune. I think that is pretty much it anyway.


It's funny, people talk about the turbos, well, the 2.5 and the 2.0 (here) have an issue with heat soak, so the turbo is really not a big deal. I like the linear power I get.

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