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boost gauge mount


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ive searched and searched but cant seem to find what i am looking for. im looking for a single pillar mount for a boost guage that matches the color of my car. i will also except a dash mount that wont use permanant sticky tape to ruin the dash. anyone have any links to sites that sell these?
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FWIW, I have the AVO gauge pod and am happy with it. It isn't heinous/ricer looking and it gets the job done. I bot it from someone on the classifieds...one shows up every now and again. Give it a look.
Rehab is for quitters.
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Yeah, tape...plan on keeping it there for a long time b/c if you remove it, you will have a nice mark on your A-Pillar..if you have light gray like me, it will be permanent and notciable.
Rehab is for quitters.
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any pics of the avo installed?



Here's what mine looked like before I opted for the casopolis cubbypod mount.





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