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My 2005 Legacy GT is burning coolant

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have an 05 LGT and also have experienced the disappearing coolant act. I know this thread is kinda old but just wanted to voice up a fellow LGT owner. I am glad I found this thread as I was pretty concerned. I have only had the car during winter so I have no basis for hot weather coolant levels. I did an exhaust gas anyalysis of the coolant and found none, so I was a bit baffled. Hope it is just the distilled water evaporating :D
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I noticed my coolant was a tad low in my overflow just other other day too. Bumped it up to midway between max./min on the res. I noticed a painted on yellow line right in the middle. I assume that is to mark normal fill level at ambient temp. Added a touch of OEM coolant. We'll see where it goes.


I've not noticed any disappearing in the 2 summers I've had the car.


Where do you guys get distilled water? I've only added straight coolant from the dealer. Not a lot, just enough to top it up this time.

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My overflow tank was dry a couple months back. I've added coolant/distilled water and it seems only a touch lower after a couple months. That Subaru OEM coolant is expensive :eek:.


You should be able to find distilled water at the grocery store I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If one does not dillute the concentrated solution, what does that do?

I ask because I am trying to figure out, not knowing what my water/coolant ratio is, how to go about topping this thing off. Could I just take a reading of what temperature the fluid is protecting now and based off on that decide to add with distilled water? Last two times I had to bring up the level from low to mid or high I added antifreeze straight from the bottle. Methinks I'll be OK to compensate using distilled water.

I'm due for a drain/refill in the spring anyway so this will probably be the last time I compensate until then.

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I noticed my coolant was a tad low in my overflow just other other day too. Bumped it up to midway between max./min on the res. I noticed a painted on yellow line right in the middle. I assume that is to mark normal fill level at ambient temp. Added a touch of OEM coolant. We'll see where it goes.


I've not noticed any disappearing in the 2 summers I've had the car.


Where do you guys get distilled water? I've only added straight coolant from the dealer. Not a lot, just enough to top it up this time.

you can get distilled water in gallon jugs at pretty much any grocery store in the water/drinks isle.

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Well.. I think I figured out where my coolant went. Noticed a few drops on my garage floor the other day. Put down a white cloth to verify.. yep, few drops again the next day and the next. Like TWO drops a day. Can't tell from where.. no signs from the top view and I'm not crawling under there this time of year. Will have it checked out ASAP but I'm not overly concerned right now considering how little I'm losing. Will check it every day until looked at. Hmmm...
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