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new seat belt disable


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hi guys,

I just came back from the junk yard and found a 2005 legacy that was totaled it was a convertible lol. I wanted to see if i could get anything from it thats could be used. There was a few things then i saw the seat belt. All of a sudden i a light bulb lite up i got a knife and cut it off and took the buckle. Paid 1 dollar for it now I just use the buckle to make the car think i m buckled up.

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how bout just wear the seatbelt, seatbelt might safe ur life...


I always wear my seatbelt and it doesnt feel right getting into a car without wearing one now that im so used to it. Onlytime I usually dont wear my seatbelt is if im riding in the back seats.


In IL its a 75 dollar moving violation ticket if the cop sees u with no seatbelt on. so might as well do it.


Or you can do that seatbelt chime disable.

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I think if i want to wear a seat belt its my choice if i wanna take the risk its my own problem. I can not maneuver when i have it on thats why i don't wear one. I don't have to worry about seat belt tickets you cant even see in the car. I just tinted my windshield 20 % all around i love it.
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I think if i want to wear a seat belt its my choice if i wanna take the risk its my own problem. I can not maneuver when i have it on thats why i don't wear one...



You are right, it is your own choice.


When I go out riding on my moto I have a choice on what gear I wear every time I go out. I always wear a leather jacket, full face helmet, gloves, knee and armor shorts under my jeans, and boots when riding. When the summer hits it gets pretty sweaty and uncomfortable when you sit at a stop light for a few minutes. Is it worth it for me to sweat and be uncomfortable? Hell yes it is! I'm glad that I do. One day on my way to school I was cut off and I collided with a car, no fault of my own. I went flying and sliding. I hit face first into the pavement at 15-20mph, slid for a good 20 feet on my chest hands and knees. End result, a little sore from impacting the ground and scuffed up helmet and gear. My skin was intact and just a little sweaty. If I didn't wear my gear I would have had to have my skin ripped from my chest, arms and palms. My jaw would have been broken and knees badly skinned.


You probably ask why am I telling that story, it's about me wearing my gear on a moto and this is about wearing a seatbelt in a car.


You will never know when an accident will happen. You will never know how bad an accident will be. You must prepare yourself beforehand because by the time an accident does happen it will be too late to change your mind.


I've had an aquaintance die from injuries suffered after being ejected from a car from not wearing a seatbelt. Ejections do happen, airbags alone DO NOT prevent you from going through the windshield. They are designed to be used with a seatbelt.


You should also be aware of whose life will be affected by your actions. Who will care for you if you become paralized? Who will you leave behind if you die? Is it fair for them to care for you for the rest of your life if you no longer have control of your arms or legs after an accident?


Yes, wearing a seatbelt can be uncomfortable. Just make sure you know the possible outcome of your decisions. A little bit of sweat, a little bit of restriciton can save you and your family. I'd choose to walk away from an accident than to spend months in a hospital recouporating if it meant wearing a seatbelt.

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I agree with the above stated. I only like the disable for when i am parked somewhere in my car with it running and dont want to hear that damn chime..vehicle moving..believe you me, my seatbelt is correctly situated across my lap and chest. but to each their own.


Correct me if I m wrong but the seat belt chime does not go off unless your car is in motion thats what my car does. So how would it chime

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