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Help Please All Memebers


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Today I went to Astoria Queens for a dinner with my friend. Found parking like a charm which was unusual. So as i was parrell parking i was backing up and going in in a angle position and the b**** behind me decided to try squeeze her 2007 Jeep Cherokee through the little space. The result was that see swiped me and scraped my front bumper causing it to unbuckle from fender and opening the seal on my headlight. She had a special edition Jeep which had some weird lineing on the bottom of her doors it was like sand paper which sanded the paint right off now i have a huge circle. Due to the superior design of the Subaru it caused her front bumber to get disconnected huge dent front and rear passenger doors to have a huge gash and unable to open there doors. If you hit someone like she hit me wouldn't you stop if after you were rubbing she kept going.Well the cops came took a report, she wanted to go through insurance which i didn't. Now my problem is what do i do I have full coverage with a 1000 dollar deductible I m not on the insurance coverage but the car is covered. Can i call her insurance and claim it do i use my name or the who the car is insured on. Will my insurance go up I m not going to inform them most deffinetly.I have time , to deal with it or do i pay outta my pocket.

Thank You

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^^^ That's right...if she is at fault, then her insurance should pay for everything. Whoever has the insurance on the car you were driving should still report it because they can help fight her insurance company if they decide they don't want to pay for it.
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