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HELP: Lawsuit Questions


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Anyone work for law firm, attorney, or u r a lawyer! Pls help

Or if you had experience file a lawsuit through Civil Court too!

This is my situation:


1. Been too nice to a friend and helped him co-signed a loan for his bike.

2. Friend took the bike paid 5 month payment and disappeared.

3. While the friend disappeared, I paid 3 month payment to save my own credit.

4. Finally found the so called friend and he promised to pay.

5. So called friend is not a friend anymore because he never pay.

6. This not friend anymore friend disappeared again


I am suing for the payments I paid, and the amount of the loan payoff, and the time, trouble, sleepless night I have to go through.


Anyone knows how to deal with this, please help. I would like to hear from people who familiar with this, do this for living, or at least study in law.


Please don’t tell me I am screwed. Thank you!

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for a small fee i will hunt him down and beat the piss out of him and get his belongings that we can sell on E-Bay. 20%down on time of departure and the 80% due at time of deliverance of his beaten body.


Sorry I didn't mean to start a war which mainly forum people is all about ;).
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you co-signed, if he doesn't pay you pay. by you co-signing you are promising to pay off this loan, simple concept. btw if the title is in his name only then you lose again. also the lawyer costs will more than likely be more than the loan itself. not to be mean but how old are you? didn't the lender explain this to you? bosco
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What do you need to know? You have to sue him for breach of contract and indemnification. If the amount you will wind up paying is $5000 or less, sue him yourself in small claims court. If more, you are best off hiring an attorney, although it might be tough finding an attorney if this guy is broke, jobless and owns no property. But even if you get a judgment, good luck collecting it.


You've got to figure out a way to legally repo the bike from him. That I can't help you with.


Good luck.

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There is nothing you can do. As what the other members have posted you co-signed you share the responsibility.


The best thing to do is get a hold of the bike and take it. If your name is in the loan the title should also be under your name so you share ownership of the bike. Take the bike and sell it.


Just make sure that you have copies of all the payments (canceled checks) that you made.


If it is a cruiser type of bike I may have a buyer for it.

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I totally understand my responsibility.

That is why I am making the payments to save my own credit.


The guy is a good friend + co-worker which I see him every day.

Suddenly he got a new job and then disappeared.


My name is on the bike.

I got e-mails that he promised to pay, I got e-mails that he said he will bring the bike over and I can sell it. Problem is I cannot find him anymore.


I dont think he is that stupid to play this game since I know exactly where he live. I know the businese his family owns. But since he is gone and it pass the date he promised to pay I am going to do something about it.

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I had to go after a former employer who refused to pay past earnings and ownership interest rights. I can tell you from experience that any good lawyer will likely cost you more $$ than you will save. Trust me, billable attorney hours add up REALLLLY fast!!! And a judge will not likely award you for lost sleep. By the way, you will have many more of these if you pursue the legal route. Our justice system really only works for the rich!. Sucks, but thats my experience.


If you really know this guys family, pay them a visit. If they are stand up people maybe they will step to the plate and find a way to hold their son accountable. If not, pursue it in small claims court and attempt to recover what ever you can ( is this a "pedal" bike or a "moto" bike).


Anyway, that's just my $.02


And don't worry, eventually Karma will come around and kick him in the nuts.

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