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Bike crash on PINKS!!!!


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Would you agree that I can't ride for shit?


He lost it when he tried to squid the bike in stead of a nice and smooth twist of the throttle with his left hand covering the clutch incase shit happens.

What with all the revving once he got the bike moving?

I'm probably the only person that has Wu-Tang Clan and Paul McCartney on their mp3.:p
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I sympathize with his spill. It was a dumb move, but a less powerfull bike might have been more forgiving. I've done fishtails on purpose and they can get out of hand really fast. I never dumped it like he did though. That's the inexperience.
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I want a bike soo bad. I also want to live till im 23 :rolleyes:



Dude, don't be afraid. I put my Yamaha R6 in the woods at 80 mph and walked away, almost. Broke my collar bone. Live your life, enjoy it because you could have a brain hemmorage today and never get to ride a bike.:mad:


Sorry I'm so full of cheery advice today, Better advice: If your a novice at riding, get a small dirt bike first and learn on that:)

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Vid still makes me :lol::lol::lol:


As far as "pinks"....

stopped watching it, it was supposedly a show about "street" cars racing. My definition of street cars is totally the opposite of the shows.


"Street Car"

Drag radials


No trans brake

Full interior

Must be driven to the track

Registered with a plate & working lights

Full body car, no plexiglass or fiberglass

Toyota 6EATS .........SUCK!!!!!!
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i used to watch pinks, but got tired of fast cars baiting slow cars and sandbagging to win a car they don't even want or need.


then all-out came out. no sandbagging but still sucked.


needless to say i stopped TiVo-ing that shit.

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i stopped watching cause of all the babies on there. they lose by 3 lenghts and then want 6. or they get the 3 and then win by 7. bunch of sandbaggers. but pinks all out is good.

History does not entrust the care of freedom to the weak or timid

People sleep peacefully at night cause rough men stand ready to do violence on there behalf

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Vid still makes me :lol::lol::lol:


As far as "pinks"....

stopped watching it, it was supposedly a show about "street" cars racing. My definition of street cars is totally the opposite of the shows.


"Street Car"

Drag radials


No trans brake

Full interior

Must be driven to the track

Registered with a plate & working lights

Full body car, no plexiglass or fiberglass



the only car that fit that bill was a 911 turbo. yeah. dude ran an auto and cracked the 10.5 or so at around 140. i THINK it was driven there then tracked. most of (all) those other pos are trailered in. porsche dude was beaten by .5 car length.

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