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Tiburon Toast

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Here goes my first 'official' kill story. Last night, around midnight, there are no cars on the road, and I come up on an approaching intersection. All I need to do is turn left into the Neighborhood Walmart to pick up some groceries, but... I spot this really good-looking Tiburon sitting at the red light up ahead. I know it was just a Tiburon, but I hardly ever see one of those, and have never seen one run, so this looked like a unique opportunity. So I switched to the right lane and lined up with him. The situation was perfect, no cars on the road execpt for us, and past the stoplight about an 1/8 mile down, our two-lane road merged into one (my lane was the lane that ended, so he had the right-of-way, hehe). I wasn't sure he would go, so I just prepared to ease off the line, but sure enough, when the light changed, the Tiburon got loud as he tried to assert his right to 'take this lane' from me up the road. So I come off the line with him, with no launch whatsoever as I started at about 1800 rpms, and the Legacy bogs. He pulls maybe 1/2 a car before the Legacy's boost kicks in, and by the top of 1st gear I've already caught him, and then through second gear I put about a car-length on him. Then when I hit third the Legacy pulled about 3 more car-lengths on him hard, and then the lane merged. I lightly tapped the brakes a couple times and saw him give up, then about 1/4 later I turned right onto a residential street, whipped a U-turn, and after he passed by, turned left back onto the main street and headed back the other way toward the Wal-mart. I'm sure it was obvious to him at this point that I had only gone down that road to spank him, as my tail-lights grew smaller in his rear-view mirror. --
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Guest JessterCPA
Nice kill story. I only have to call BS about one aspect... [quote name='Whitestar Pilot']I spot this really good-looking Tiburon sitting at the red light up ahead. --[/QUOTE] There is no such thing. :)
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oh ouch! I don't think the newer tibs are that bad looking, myself. I don't know how you guys do it...nobody ever wants to race me generally... although I did run a back road with an s4 one day, but it was him following and trying to keep up, not an off the line deal
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Guest JessterCPA
[quote name='Ken S']Is the Tiburon even a worthy contender? Ken[/QUOTE] I would think that a new v-6 could be a sleeper. Never been in one to tell for sure, but on paper it looks OK. (Not that it looks OK, that was covered in an above post)
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[quote name='scubie02']oh ouch! I don't think the newer tibs are that bad looking, myself. I don't know how you guys do it...nobody ever wants to race me generally... although I did run a back road with an s4 one day, but it was him following and trying to keep up, not an off the line deal[/QUOTE] I've also had a hard time finding races in this car. That's one reason I decided to pick on the sporty-looking Hyundai. [quote name='wunderkind'] HUh? where have you been? the new Tibbys are everywhere! It's v6 pushes out around 180hp. that's no where near the LGT's league. Not even gonna bother. [/QUOTE] Haven't seen but about 3 or 4 around here in the last year. I've never seen another LGT, so I'd call this a short stoplight encounter between two of the rarer imports. As for the 180hp weakness, I was aware of this, and that's why I raced him on his terms, waiting for him to go, and then easing into the throttle. This was almost a street-start, 5mph roll type race for me. Had I launched the Legacy at, say, 5-grand, the race would have been over so quick the other guy may have let off before 2nd gear, and then I wouldn't have been sure he had even tried... and thus there would have been no kill story. It was a good looking car, nice spoiler, and the curves are very sporty, IMO. If ever forced to make the unlikely decision, I'd take one over a Honda Civic anyday. --
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[quote name='mmm def']My fiancee is getting her parents 97 geo metro automatic next week. Arrrrgh!! I'll post up some pics, you all love it![/QUOTE] Please do! :lol: [quote name='sduford'] And I pulled a Chevy Tahoe out of the ditch with my OBXT [/QUOTE] pwn3d!11 :redface: w00t for you!11 Good kill. :D
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Guest *Jedimaster*
[quote name='Drift Monkey']Please do! :lol: pwn3d!11 :redface: w00t for you!11 Good kill. :D[/QUOTE] Wait, pix of the Metro, or the fiance?
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[quote name='jedimaster']I think the Tiburon looks pretty nice- isn't it styled by Pininfarina (sp?) ?[/QUOTE]You are correct in this fact. I, for one, LOVE the way it looks. Stock, I can understand why you all are thinking it's not a worthy contender, but they can be sleepers, just like the Legacy GT. Check this link out: [url="http://www.cheesefrog.com/frog/srt4vstib1.wmv"]http://www.cheesefrog.com/frog/srt4vstib1.wmv[/url] (Modded SRT-4 vs. Supercharged Tiburon)
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[quote name='Beanboy']Watch out for the turbo K cars. 12 second 1/4 mile sleepers. Same goes for the Omnis, minivans, shadows... K cars rock![/QUOTE] With the exception of those who get waxed, who doesn't love a good shitbox sleeper?:D

Martin Luther - "Who loves not women, wine and song remains a fool his whole life long."



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[quote name='Beanboy']Watch out for the turbo K cars. 12 second 1/4 mile sleepers. Same goes for the Omnis, minivans, shadows... K cars rock![/QUOTE] Lol the Omni GLHS back in the day was a pretty fast automobile did 0-60 in 6.5 seconds and 1/4 mile in low 15's I think stock. I was gonna get one and mod the hell out of it to beat my friends GTA at the time to embarrass him but never did.
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