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Which brand of car starter would you get?


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I know most of you live in toasty cities, but where I live temperatures can bottom out around -35 degrees c. Anyways, just wondering if you guys know which company makes the best starter. I'm looking for a 2 way receiver.
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[quote name='wwjd']I know most of you live in toasty cities, but where I live temperatures can bottom out around -35 degrees c. Anyways, just wondering if you guys know which company makes the best starter. I'm looking for a 2 way receiver.[/QUOTE] correct me if i'm wrong, but i know when it comes to security/remote starter systems, DEI is the one that makes the hardware, and brands like hornet and viper for example sell it under their names, so ultimately it's a DEI product. for standalone remote starters, does clifford make them? :confused:
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Guest *Jedimaster*
[quote name='meier motor sports']as in rent a midget named jimmy? u let him sleep in the trunk and when its cold and time for u to go to work he starts your car? also taking the snow and ice off of it and if u get the deluxe edition with to jimmys they shovel your driveway[/QUOTE] As in me. I also use the Jimmy method for clearing the snow. It's an all in one kind of kit.
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i have a compustar in my dodge srt-4. the way it works is it acts like a turbo timer and keeps the car running after you take out the key. it can either run for like 5 sec or i am using the TT option so it runs for 2 min. That way it knows that the car was not left in gear, therefore making it safe to start. if u leave it in gear it wont work.
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[quote name='!S4']On the Compustar page, it says that it works with manuals. How does that work? I'm assuming you have to leave the car in neutral?[/QUOTE] Only problem is that I personally don't know of any Compustar authorized installers that would install a remote start on a manual car. Also, regarding disabling the security system, keep in mind that half of the battle is getting a good installer, who can hide the wires and make it nearly impossible to disable. Also keep in mind that even with an alarm, someone can still tow your car to steal it if they want it bad enough.
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Try Auto-start. They have models specifically designed for manual tranny with built in safety features: has to be in neutral, foot off brake, handbrake needs to be engaged otherwise it does not enter "ready mode" and thus autostart does not work. Mine is FM two-way with LCD screen read out confirming successful start, lock unlock etc. Has all the gadgets including turbo timer, winter mode (where car starts auto every few hours) etc. Have had it for a couple of months and works great. The range is absolutely incredible if in line of sight (up to ~ 2500 ft). [url][/url]
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I can't say enough good things about the system! Cool features (that are standard): -manual autostart- there is a sequence you follow when you turn off your car that allows the remote start. i.e. press clutch, place in neutral, let go of clutch (pressing brake during this), let go of brake and pull up ebrake.... the lights have to be off... when you turn the key to off the car will continue to run! (i.e. turbo timer... EXcellent)... and will continue to run until the car has cooled down enough at idle (2 min max) or until you shut the last open door (or trunk). then the car will automatically lock and arm the alarm and page your remote! -dual stage (selectable) shock sensor -2-way paging (someone can tap on a specfic spot on your windshield and it will send a special paging to your remote alerting you of there presence) plu when/if someone is messing w/your car you'll know! and you'll know when it's running, etc. -auto run feature... on those cold,cold cold, COLD nights, you can set your car to run every two hours for ten minutes.... or if you pay a little extra for an optional thermometer, when you set this feature the car will start automatically when it senses a cerain temp threshold. It has to be set up to autostart like I mentioned above to work, though! saves battery life and block life I would assume, too! -audible or vibrate remote with 1.25 or 1.5 mi capability (spread spectrum technology) but there are definately limitations to the range. 1.5 would be in an open field! Here at wrk when I'm parked in the concrete parking garage and I'm in the building, I have to go to the window to start it up... Oh no! THE WINDOW! -sensors for hood, trunk, etc! Story: I was paintballing last year in a huge, huge field... long story summarized: I lost my keys somehwere! ouch! But, with one friend tapped on the paging spot on my windshield while a couple others and I walked around "listening," low and behold burried under some serious leaf cover were my keys which I was able to locate by sound! Great around the house, too! So many times have I been so grateful and thankful to have the system, so I just wanted to add my 2 cents! thanks, Mark - -
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" It has to be set up to autostart like I mentioned above to work, though! saves battery life and block life I would assume, too!" Hmmm...I guess one could argue that starting and idling your car generates the greatest amount of engine wear and therefore, doing so every 2 hrs might not be in the best interest of block life. I try to avoid this feature on my autostart unless so cold that starting after sitting for 8+ hours may be an issue. 1.5 miles? Range was a critical factor for me so, needless to say, I was amazed when I read this. But when I checked the Autopage web site, it states that their top end model (I presume) has a range of 2000 ft. Does your manual say something different? [url]http://www.autopageusa.com/t_inside.cfm?action=products&catID=1004&prodID=FC4DA653-7F35-48D8-9C9A-5F6FD435F2AC[/url] I must admit, my AutoStart states 2500 ft range but I know I have far exceeded this even when I cannot see my car. Also, having metalized tint as I do, certainly reduces the range. So I agree, a number of factors affect range. BTW, in some (all?) 05 legacies/outbacks, the ignition keys contain a chip for security. This necessitates the installation of a special module with a spare key to bypass this security system and allow and auto-start to function. Module is tucked far up into the dash and hidden, but if you're concerned that a thief may break in and find it, then simply have the key ground down so it is useless in the ignition (downside is that the key is useless should you ever need a 3rd spare key). At the end of the day, I suspect a good car thief will be able to bypass just about any security system anyway.
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