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speeding ticket .. need advice

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Ok, so a few months ago, I was driving west on 90, from Boston out to upstate New York. I was at Albany, at that section where you either stay on 90 or take 87 (because it really makes no difference). I took 87 out of habit, and I was going along, minding my own business, into that section where it becomes 2 lanes. The speed of traffic was as you might expect, well above the 65 speed limit, and the highway was crowded enough that going the actual limit was basically out of the question. I was in the right lane with a car carrier truck in front of me, and even it was going somewhere in the 75-80 range - fast enough to be what I consider unsafe. I have a CDL, and I can say with experience that vehicles that large get a little .. squirrelly .. at those speeds.


Long story short, I couldn't slow down to make the gap bigger because I had people right behind me, so I moved to pass him. Uh oh, flashing lights. The trooper had me passing at 87 mph.


I didn't argue with the officer because I had done exactly what he accused me of, violating the speed limit. He issued me a ticket.


Anyway, I contested it because of the truck, and my charge has been reduced to some sort of moving violation, provided I plea guilty. Apparently the sentence would be a fine, a surcharge, and 2 points added to my license.


I guess I really have no choice except to do it, because the likelihood of my getting to Bethlehem, NY for a court date is slim, and because I spoke today with the attorney for the town court (who was a real a$$hat, by the way), and he told me quite firmly he won't reduce my charge any further.


The fine and surcharge are one thing, but I guess what I really want to know is how long those 2 points will stay on my license, and how much my car insurance will go up? My license is otherwise spotless.

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You are in MA, right? You will be screwed for SIX damn years. First ticket has little effect, you'll lose part of your discount. Second one though will cost you essentially 40% hike in insurance cost... for SIX years. Welcome to MA.


MA is not part of the drivers compact, but gets info from other states and rapes you off accordingly.


Should have gotten a lawyer.

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You have my sympathy. I got bagged for doing 42 in a 30 zone via a production speed trap in Lynn. It was where they've just reposted a zone, basically a 4 lane road, two each way.


Thing is, on a normal night ( this happened mid-day) you go 50 you'll get shoved off the road there. What stunk even more was that I was already coasting to turn into work about 150 feet up the road. The cop knew it too. I also wished him a nice day. Told him I hoped it was as nice as he just made mine. :mad:


So yup, 6 years loss of safedriver credit. A $120 ticket that will cost me about $1000. I love this state. Not.


My first ticket in 17 years.

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makes california looks like a tea party.

Agreed. I believe moving violations, with the notable exception of DUIs, only stay on your record for three years in CA. Plus, if you haven't done so in the past 18 months, you have the option of taking traffic school in lieu of getting a ticket on your record. DUIs stay on your record for 7 years though.

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I never had a ticket ever until this summer. I have been stopped plenty of times, but I can talk my way out of an angry bee hive. However, I was clocked at 78 mph in a 40mph zone while data logging one night.


I just paid the 300 bucks. No judge is going to show mercy on that one.


Funny thing is the cop was out of his jurisdiction.

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when people ride behind me to close, to the point where I can't see there headlights I find a real slow car in traffic and I pull up next to him and do the exact speed he is. The guy behind you is stuck until you let him by.:icon_evil


That's aggressive driving and plain stupid. I hate tailgaters, too but I am not engaging in childish and aggressive games as above. Just vary your speed, pass the car in front of you, or yield, etc to discourage tailgating.

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So you were unable to slow down because there were some cars behind you? :confused:


No, listen, I wanted some space between me and the car carrier PRONTO, and there were enough cars in a row behind me that if I'd hit my brakes, not only would I have risked an accident, but I would have slowed down the whole damn highway.


I mean, I didn't think about it for a very long time - it just seemed like a better idea to pass him, gain some space, and switch back into the right lane and stay out of everyone's way.


I guess it was the wrong decision.

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that really sucks man... unfortunately, the cops dont care to listen to what the situation was/is, they just happened to conveniently see you in the act, and therefore, pull you over.


i would venture out and say though, that when you've been severely tailgated while doing the speed limit in multiple places at different times by a police officer, their slogans like 'to protect and serve' or 'to protect with respect' all sound quite a lot like bovine solid waste.

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I spoke with my insurance agent today, and he pretty much agreed that this is a lost cause. My premium is going to go up about $50/year, give or take. It sucks, but the fact of the matter is that I was speeding, and I got caught. I guess I've just got to pay the piper for 6 years. sucks.



Maybe I should have gotten the 2.5i automatic instead of the manual gt. Let's just say it's SOA's fault and move on.

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Folks, fight every damn ticket.

Right on. We give folks time off to fight tickets. Even if they're guilty. It's revenue production as much as safety, or they'd have speed traps at night, in the rain, or have drunk driver checkpoints.


Many years I drive 30,000 miles or more, all over New England. Leaving aside the cost of tickets in different states (many are worse than MA, Massacruisers just seem to whine more), if you go over 80 on the highways you're going to get a ticket. 75-80, you might. I've set my cruise control (with GPS) at 74 mph and driven through innumerable speed traps on the highways with no problem.


Driven the Lynnway referred to above, most likely, hundreds of times between Marbledead and Boston. The magic number is 43. Stay below it and you don't get a ticket. 43 or above, unless others are going faster, you're on the spot. Depending on whether you were N or S of the General Edwards bridge, there may be construction that resets the speed limit from 35 to 30, plan accordingly.


NY really actively enforces the construction zone speed limits. Some other states do as well. All states have really ugly fines for speeding in construction zones. Be the prick leading a parade through them at the speed limit, or better yet, let someone else lead. I refer to people in the passing lane as my radar detectors.:lol:


Oh, yeah, it helps to be old, and driving a station wagon with no hood scoops, no go fast badges, and no radar detector. You can go about your business, move along.

Who Dares Wins


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Mine was the road parallel to the Lynnway - Rt107 coming toward Lynn over the bridge. They had just reposted it down to a 30 on the other side of the light. Its 45 before the light. I coasted through the light, over the bridge, and got the 42 in a 30. Hadn't had my foot on the gas since before the light.


The were obviously enjoying using their new Lidar toy as they were pulling people over left and right.


To the OP, be glad you live where you do. Mine is going to add over $100 per year. Not all rates are equal, in this gloroius state.


And to the previous poster, I'm losing the hood scoop. The cops are definitely focused on them. As I sat there while they were gleefully sticking it to me, I watched them nab ricers, and lifted pick-ups, but I think I'll avoid further demographic comments.

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My premium is going to go up about $50/year, give or take. It sucks, but the fact of the matter is that I was speeding, and I got caught.


So, that's $300 over 6 years, ignoring things like net present value, etc. Plus, there is the fine itself. Plus, any additional violations over the next 6 years will continue to add up.


What's that cost? Well, we know it's at least $300 + the fines. At least call a local lawyer near the court. It might only cost you $100-200 or so to have them deal with it, then you're coming out ahead.


Sounds absolutely pathetic, but I actually have considered doing traffic tickets on the side for play money given how expensive the consequences are here in MA. LOL - I figure just hanging around car forums would give me a client or two each month ;)

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^^^ If I'd known of a good lawyer, I'd have been tempted to fight it. Mine was 100 * 6 years + 120 for the ticket so I'm out at least $720 . I'd have been glad to dish out $500 to avoid the ding on the record, just in case.
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Sounds absolutely pathetic, but I actually have considered doing traffic tickets on the side for play money given how expensive the consequences are here in MA. LOL - I figure just hanging around car forums would give me a client or two each month ;)


Doeet! I actually was saved by a fellow lawyer member in NJ. I need new traffic lawyer in MA now!

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