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Scratch in Guage cluster plastic!


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I noticed last night that there are 2 hairline scratches in the plastic in front of my guages! I SWEAR they werent there the other day, and I've never put anything there that might have scratched it!

Bah, now I know Ill always notice it now, is there anything I can do? Scratch remover for plastic? Is that "window" replaceable?

dang it!

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Doesn't that kit include a polish step though?


I don't know how hard it is to take out the platic cover out of the dash and that probably is the best way. However, I figure that there has to be a way to polish scratches out of clear plastic. I can't say I have ever did it but I just wondering if anyone has tried.

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You could just wet sand it out.

Start with lower grit paper and finish off with a nice high grit while keeping the paper and the plastic moist. This would involve doing the whole side with the scratch, not just the one spot.

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I tried something like that with an old cellphone screen.

I used 1000 grit sandpaper and ended up with a foggy mess..

I could have used Higher grit, but dont know where to get it. I was using stuff for polishing heatsinks for CPUs, which was pretty high grit from what I knew at the time. i would think a polishing compound (25000 grit) would work better..? like the stuff I have downstairs at work - for polishing optics - slurry ;)

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any paint/body supply will have finer paper-----up to 10k grit. you'll also want to get some med and then fine cut liquid compound to remove the sanding scratches. they'll come out if not too deep. i used to get glue on my model car windshields all the time and have to sand and buff them....


good luck.....

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Hey Canon, I used the Mothers Power Plastic ($8) with a homemade power-ball (couple of cheap wax pads wrapped around a bit adaptor, $3) and it easily took all of the hair-line scratches out of my 6-year-old cluster window. It was pretty bad (OK.... REALLY bad) but now its crystal clear from all lighting angles. :)


I was astounded at how easy it was and how well it worked, plus I had 99% of the bottle left and did my headlights, fogs, radio display, wood trim, yada yada yada. Perfect solution!!!





(you obviously have to remove the window from the vehicle first and use a cordless power drill)

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