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My car got backed into...Sadd

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Well I posted a similar post yesterday..but Did not get any response. So here iam writing it with a new title.


Yesterday, a friend of my accidently backed into my car with her rear right bumper while backing up from a driveway. She didnt not see the White car. It crashed into my rear driver side door and scraped around the wheel area. The picture is below.


How much do you think itll take to fix? We did the insurance claim and all. Someone told me the door wouldnt cost as much, but the other metal peice that is connected through the roof is the worst part.


Well you guys tell me what you think.


Also, If you know any good bodydshops for our subies in Hampton Roads area in VA, let me know.


The cost will be taken car of by her insurance company.


I will post this in the regional forums too.






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Happened to me too, found a shop that was great to work with and did a super job. If you got any damage to your wheel try to get the money instead of getting a new wheel; they go for like $250/each. Sell the other 3 and you'll have enough to upgrade.
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Any pics with a better camera?

How deep is the dent in the door?

Just cant tell from the pics, might be to deep to pull that:(


After this is all taken care of she owes you a detail......in a just a G-Straaaang;)

Toyota 6EATS .........SUCK!!!!!!
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Well shes not really a friend...its more like my moms Friend. Said it was a friend because i didnt want to put all the details down.


Get ur hopes off people. aha.


Ill try to take a better pics of the camera... The pics are from my phone. But yea, the dent on the door is pretty deep. but no creased edges on it.

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