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Notice "uncleanable" black streak

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Hi all,

I picked up my new '07 on 4/26. After I left the dealer and got home I noticed this black streak on the rear bumper. I figured it was just dirty and it would come off with my first wash. I washed the car today, but the streak/stain wont come off. I used auto soap I bought at Autozone and a soft sponge, but it wont come loose. It almost looks like its under the clear coat itself. can any detailing experts out there give me some suggestions? I've attached some photos, but they aren't the best. Can this be buffed out, or can I use some sort of rubbing compound? I don't want to damage the paint. Sorry for the crappy photos, I will try to get some in direct sunlight.



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I can't see anything.


Can you feel it with your finger? Is it long and straight? Is it clearly defined or does it look like a stain with "blurred" edges?

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Thanks for the reply. I can't feel it with my finger, the paint is smooth back there. It is blurred at the edges, its not perfectly straight. At first I thought it was grease, or road tar, but it doesn't smear when I run my fingers across it, or scrub it. The line is not solid either, its spotty. I'll try and get some better photos in the sun.


EDIT: One more photo.


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I see it...... Looks like a lack of SWP on a black bumper. It's got that "orange peel" look to it. It's like they just missed a spot when they painted the car. If the clay bar doesn't do anything with it, take it back to the dealer and tell them to have it repainted.
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take it back! going through similiar issue with honda for my wifes car. I'm demanding a new bumper when it goes in. they attempted to repaint the bumper and f'ed it up.


you bought a new car. not a new car with a cosmetic problem.

258k miles - Stock engine/minor suspension upgrades/original shocks/rear struts replaced at 222k/4 passenger side wheel bearings/3 clutches/1 radiator/3 turbos
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Took it to my body shop of choice, he said its definately a "missed spot" in the painting process because the clear coat was sprayed over the top of it. This is my first Subaru and we're not off to a good start. I guess its time to make my 50 mile trek to the dealer. Thanks for everyones input.
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least you know it wasn't in an accident.
258k miles - Stock engine/minor suspension upgrades/original shocks/rear struts replaced at 222k/4 passenger side wheel bearings/3 clutches/1 radiator/3 turbos
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I think one of the dealer's hookers scuffed it with her CFM pumps while sitting on the trunk when they celebrated the sale of your car.




Or...like Dirty Deeds? dead hookers in the trunk of the car? lol. Yeah it definitely looks like a missed spot.



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Ok I took it to the dealer today, the service manager agreed its a manufacturing defect. They said they have to have a Subaru rep come down and take a look so they can figure out why and where it happened. Does this sound normal? Then he said they would repaint the bumper. I'm not sure I want a "patch" to fix it, is it unreasonable to demand a whole new bumper? I'm not sure I trust the Subaru monkey's to properly feather out the paint and clear coat.
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Have them take the car to the best body shop in town (and make sure they offer a lifetime warranty on their work), have them remove the bumper cover, paint it and reinstall it. It will be just as good as new. I doubt you will get them to ship a factory painted bumper to the dealer...to say nothing of what it would look like after suffering through transit. I doubt they could even make the arrangement of you driving to the factory in Indiana to have it installed there. Six months from now this will quit bothering you. If I can get over it (my wife's Outback was hit when 1 month old and needed the rear bumper cover repainted), you can.


Captain Anal

It is still ugly.
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It doesn't bother me now, its hardly noticeable, however I know its there. I think its the principle of the matter, I didn't pay for a repainted "patched" bumper. This is obviously a manufacturing defect, and I think it should be replaced with one that was done correctly. If they insist on repainting it I think I'm going to ask them to repaint the entire bumper instead of trying to fix that one spot. I honestly don't know who the best body shop in town is. The dealer is about 50 miles from my house, how do I find out? The difference between your situation and mine is your car was hit, this is right off the showroom floor, direct from the factory. That means, SOA factory QC missed it, the dealers inspector missed it, the salesman missed it, make ready missed it, and the service tech that installed my SPT exhaust missed it. On the other hand you have a point, I don't want a bumper that was abused by the shipping company. I'm really at a loss of what to ask for. They are supposed to call me Monday, I think I'm going to wait and see what they have in mind. Thanks for all the feedback everyone.
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It doesn't bother me now, its hardly noticeable, however I know its there. I think its the principle of the matter, I didn't pay for a repainted "patched" bumper. This is obviously a manufacturing defect, and I think it should be replaced with one that was done correctly. If they insist on repainting it I think I'm going to ask them to repaint the entire bumper instead of trying to fix that one spot. I honestly don't know who the best body shop in town is. The dealer is about 50 miles from my house, how do I find out? The difference between your situation and mine is your car was hit, this is right off the showroom floor, direct from the factory. That means, SOA factory QC missed it, the dealers inspector missed it, the salesman missed it, make ready missed it, and the service tech that installed my SPT exhaust missed it. On the other hand you have a point, I don't want a bumper that was abused by the shipping company. I'm really at a loss of what to ask for. They are supposed to call me Monday, I think I'm going to wait and see what they have in mind. Thanks for all the feedback everyone.


What dealership did you go to? SoPlano or SoDallas? If you would like to go over to NASIOC, specifically the TXIC regional area, there are employees of bother dealerships there, and you may want to take it up with them. It could make the experience a bit easier...

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If it were me, I'd want a new one. I had an issue with my local stealer and ended up calling SOA. SOA made it right and took care of the issue. So if you want a new one, which since it came off the show room and like you said everyone "missed" the error, talk with SOA and they will make it right. Let us know what they end up doing...... And good luck.



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What dealership did you go to? SoPlano or SoDallas? If you would like to go over to NASIOC, specifically the TXIC regional area, there are employees of bother dealerships there, and you may want to take it up with them. It could make the experience a bit easier...


SoPlano. I actually bought the car from Kevin Heist. I don't blame him at all, he was excellent and got me a great deal. I really don't want to make it his problem either, he's a salesman not a service tech. I never got a call yesterday so I guess its time for me to make a call. I'll keep everyone posted.

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Yeah, if someone said they were only going to "patch" it, you don't want them even touching your car. It's paint the whole thing or nothing. Atleast your dealer took care of it, I'm dealing with a similar issue, and soa never returned my call or email. Instead they called the dealer, who ofcourse doesn't want to help me.
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