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And We Thought OCDetails Was Nuts

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holy shite...shome of those pictures u dont realize ur looking at the paint, thats how well that stuff reflects....


that guy has too much money and too much time on his hands, but its beatiful non-the-less



and RobE, get that garbage out of you avatar...you are no selling your car :p

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Did anyone else catch that he had THE detailer of "$5000 carwash" fame come to polish the car?


I THINK the guy is a rep for Zymol and knows Paul personally. Not sure and didn't want to read the entire thread to find out.

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I'm not seeing anything there that I haven't done before. ;) I have used a paint meter on paint to determine the amount of polishing it can take too. Any real detailer should have one if they are going to avoid burning through the paint. And if you are looking for foam to cover your car like that one, then you should check out the foam gun on http://www.autogeek.net. It does the same thing. :) I like to spray the car down with Eagle One Bucketless Wash first and then hit it with a hose. Does the same thing. :)


That is a good process documentation thread though. It really shows how detailed this little hobby can get.


Oh, and that Zymol stuff isn't as great as the pimps would make you believe that it is. Anyone who wants a personal example can come to my place and I'll wax half your car with Zymol Vintage ($1500 per jar) and the other half with S100 ($15 per jar) and let you be the judge. I've compared that wax side by side with several much much less expensive waxes and not once has the Zymol wax ever out lasted or out smoothed the other ones. In fact, it is so substandard that the reason that I have it is because a friend in Florida didn't like it and sent me the contents of his jar. I wouldn't ever recomend it to anybody and I'd never pay this much for a wax. Maybe for a lifetime supply of Wolfgang or something like that, but never for a wax that is little better than toe jam in my opinion.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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This is the one I use. It is fairly cheap and definitely better than nothing. Nothing sucks worse than to be running your buffer along a panel that you weren't aware had been repainted and you take the paint right off. This really let's you get an idea of the thickness all the way around the car with very minimal cost to you. There are better ones out there, but this is a great tool to have if you are interested in detailing professionally or just as a good paying hobby.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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