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How much brake fluid?

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I'm going to change to a different brake fluid, ATE Super Blue, and put on my ceramic brake pads. Does anyone know how many bottles I will need to buy? They are 1 liter bottles.

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

I think the system capacity is 16.9 oz (from the factory vacation pics). But it depends on how you do the change (displacing vs. full drain). I think either way, you should have double the capacity on hand. So maybe buy two 1 liter bottles.
I ordered a bottle yesterday, should be here by Friday. I think next time I'll pick up 2 bottles just to have more on hand.

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song


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