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SPT or Autospeed?


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I'm buying a new exhaust sometime in the next couple weeks (waiting on tax returns) and I'm still having a hard time deciding which one. I've sort of had my heart set on going all SPT, but the Autospeed exhaust does sound really nice. Anyone with experience with either or both have any suggestions to which I or anyone else with similar tastes might like more?


I'd like to up the performance as much as possible without making the exhaust TOO loud/farty sounding, but also I'd like to keep the warranty and preserve the resale value. I also have the SPT intake and think it might be nice to go SPT with the exhaust too. (Subaru claims it adds 30whp with both, but then again they also claimed our cars have 250 horsepower.)


Some pros/cons from what I've heard so far about both:



+ Smooth rich tone, nice appearance, good quality, +10whp(according to someone a previous post), effect on the cabin noise is minimal, keeps warranty, probably wouldn't affect resale value.

- Expensive and probably wouldn't have as much horsepower gains as a truely aftermarket exhaust; I hear a kind of popping sound in the soundclips that could probably get obnoxious.



+ Has an absolutely bad-ass/deep tone that sounds like it could be from a V8, probably better performance than the SPT, looks REALLY good (maybe better than the SPT?), at about $650 is a really good price, I could always get the Autospeed DP if I wanted to go catless.

- Probably could affect the warranty/resale value, maybe too loud inside and outside the cabin, volume could attract unwanted attention from the local law enforcement.


Any thoughts or corrections? Or does anyone want to recommend their own favorite exhaust? Thanks for taking the time to read my long post. :)

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+1 for Autospeed. Best sounding and looking there is IMO. You get what you pay for...first hand experience. It's a really premium piece. But it won't mate with stock dp, just so you know...


Not too loud either, just right. Law enforcement? Forget about it, go with it. In my 2 years of owning my beauty, I stepped on her everytime I got the chance, if you're buying an exhaust you don't get it b/c you're afraid of getting caught. You get it b/c it sounds great and you don't care if the coppers hear you. I never got caught, but boy did I lay it down at times.


Autospeed ftw

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Autospeed FTW!! I just put it on about 3 weeks ago and i absolutely love it. The cabin drone is minimal even when I'm going 80 mph on my way to work, but under load it just sounds like a beast! The only issue is the way the tips sit, it took me a few hours and some zip ties to get them to hang perfectly. Plus now that the price dropped theres no reason you shouldn't buy it!
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the SPT isn't too terribly loud, but definitely noticeable. i think it depends on where you live and your law enforcement. i've already (just installed on Saturday) has some looks from the cops here. i don't step on it as I don't want to deal w/ the cops harassing me. they like giving exhaust tickets to the subies here. :(


fit and finish, the SPT is great, very well made and put together.

Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah!!!
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I have autospeed and its awesome. I consistently set off car alarms when I gun it. However, the SPT also looks good and is much quieter. I don't know if one makes more power than the other but they both sound great. If you don't mind the extra loudness and a little drone, go autospeed, if not get SPT.
...sporting the hottest Legacy on the westside of my block:icon_bigg
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SPT. It's a nice DEEEEP tone. Really sounds good in the cabin. Not that offensive outside. Really comes alive at WOT. Plus its a subaru warrenty part. And if you have a subaru master card, you could have been earning 3% on all purchases. That 3% return can be used on parts, service or towards a new car. I have $600 subie bucks to blow all because I used thier credit card. :icon_mrgr


Autospeed sounds great but you could have issues with fit on a lowered car. I believe this is being fixed with thier upcoming version 2. Plus the tips seem to be inward and not centered in the cut out.

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I like what I've heard from the Autospeed media clips that are available but wouldn't trade my SPT for it.


The SPT is nice and quiet in the cabin but is loud enough that you won't forget why you spent all that money!


The fit/construction are indeed great (2 people have asked me if it was AVO's exhaust system) and it looks AWESOME! I am not personally a fan of the tips on the Autospeed system (not fond of the way they "blossom" out) but your mileage (and personal preferences) will certainly vary.


I'm sure the overall performance gain is about the same on either (no CBE is going to work miracles) but it did provide a nice increase in mid-range punch. :)


Just my 1.25 cents....

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Awesome! Thanks for the replies. I think I'll be going with the SPT one. Sounds like the Autospeed one is better, but people still seem to like the SPT a lot. And someone mentioned the Autospeed won't couple with the stock downpipe, so I'd have to go cat-less? Also, about having problems with lowered cars, I think the Autospeed website claimed their exhaust doesn't affect ground clearance, but I could be wrong. Still a hard decision, but it made it a lot easier having some reviews to go off of. Thanks!
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Awesome! Thanks for the replies. I think I'll be going with the SPT one. Sounds like the Autospeed one is better, but people still seem to like the SPT a lot. And someone mentioned the Autospeed won't couple with the stock downpipe, so I'd have to go cat-less? Also, about having problems with lowered cars, I think the Autospeed website claimed their exhaust doesn't affect ground clearance, but I could be wrong. Still a hard decision, but it made it a lot easier having some reviews to go off of. Thanks!

i have a lowered car with the Cobb RSB and SPT exhaust. no problems.

Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah!!!
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I got my tax return, left work early and hit the dealership. It was about $1050 after tax (ouch), but it's probably worth it. Install was easy, everything fit together just like the stock pipe, and you can't really tell as much from looking at pictures, but it's WAY bigger than stock. Feels like the intake/exhaust does add at least 20-25 horsepower, and it pulls hard a lot faster than it did before. Quality is great, and the chrome looks awesome. Usually people don't really notice my car since it's a silver sedan, but I've been getting a lot of compliments on it since I got the exhaust, it seems like it really dresses up the whole look of the car. Also I'm the first one to have the SPT power pack from the Auburn dealership, so that's kinda cool. After I installed it I stopped by the dealership so they could check it out. And to the last guy who posted on page 1, I don't think it pinched down right there, the stock DP might have been the same diameter as the SPT, but I don't quite remember. I was too excited to notice, haha.
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I got my tax return, left work early and hit the dealership. It was about $1050 after tax (ouch), but it's probably worth it. Install was easy, everything fit together just like the stock pipe, and you can't really tell as much from looking at pictures, but it's WAY bigger than stock. Feels like the intake/exhaust does add at least 20-25 horsepower, and it pulls hard a lot faster than it did before. Quality is great, and the chrome looks awesome. Usually people don't really notice my car since it's a silver sedan, but I've been getting a lot of compliments on it since I got the exhaust, it seems like it really dresses up the whole look of the car. Also I'm the first one to have the SPT power pack from the Auburn dealership, so that's kinda cool. After I installed it I stopped by the dealership so they could check it out. And to the last guy who posted on page 1, I don't think it pinched down right there, the stock DP might have been the same diameter as the SPT, but I don't quite remember. I was too excited to notice, haha.



SoCal Duck Hunters Club - Unit 52
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The sound is awesome, totally smooth and rumbley, quiet until you step on it and then it just roars. And I think everyone's already seen pics of a silver legacy with the SPT exhaust? Right? If no one has, I'll post pics.
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+1 for Autospeed. Best sounding and looking there is IMO. You get what you pay for...first hand experience. It's a really premium piece. But it won't mate with stock dp, just so you know...


Not too loud either, just right. Law enforcement? Forget about it, go with it. In my 2 years of owning my beauty, I stepped on her everytime I got the chance, if you're buying an exhaust you don't get it b/c you're afraid of getting caught. You get it b/c it sounds great and you don't care if the coppers hear you. I never got caught, but boy did I lay it down at times.


Autospeed ftw


you say it does'nt mount up to the stock dp? thought that it was made to mount to thestock dp or any dp designed to bolt to the stock cbe. did you run into problems or something?

never, under any circumstances, take sleeping pills at the same time as a laxative.
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Awesome! Thanks for the replies. I think I'll be going with the SPT one. Sounds like the Autospeed one is better, but people still seem to like the SPT a lot. And someone mentioned the Autospeed won't couple with the stock downpipe, so I'd have to go cat-less? Also, about having problems with lowered cars, I think the Autospeed website claimed their exhaust doesn't affect ground clearance, but I could be wrong. Still a hard decision, but it made it a lot easier having some reviews to go off of. Thanks!


Autospeed DP works fine with the stock exhaust.

Autospeed Cat-Back Exhaust Works fine with lowered cars (Fine with my Bilsteins & STi pinks)

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