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So a dealership might have messed up the car they ordered for me

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Some back story


The dealership I work at has went through some management changes. The guy that was our general manager decided to make the leap and with a few other guys I know went in and bought a 3 brand dealership. One of the lines being Subaru. I've been car shopping for about 2-3 years now( I am pretty picky especially cause this will quite possibly be my first and only new car I'll ever own and it has to last for a long time). I finally narrowed it down to a LGT spec B, Mazdaspeed6, and a Sti Limited. I did some work on the owner of the Subaru dealers personal car (about 30 hours of free labor) so he owes me. So I tell him I am interested in a LGT spec B and an Sti Limited. Around thanksgiving another tech and I go over there so the other tech can return some parts he bought. Well the ex gm sees me and remembers I was interested in an Sti. So he tells me that they have an Sti Limited in stock and its all mine if I want it. Turns out it is just a regular Sti (don't like the blue interior of the regular Sti's at all). So he brings me over to his salesmanager and asks about Sti Limited's (mind you I am still on the fence between an Sti Limited and a spec B). The sales manager says the car has to be ordered with someones name on it. So the guy I know says to order one to what I want and put my name on it. The ex gm then tells me that if I don't want it no big deal and they'll be able to sell it. So with in 20mins I had ordered a car I wasn't sure I wanted and left a little confused but no big deal. I got home and went onto Nasoic and put something on a thread about Sti Limited's that I just ordered onein which I was told that in no way would I get one. So after a week of hearing this I went back and talked to the ex gm and he assured me that they ordered me an Sti Limited and the order was confirmed and I was to expect it to show up around 1/30/07 (nine weeks later). Suppsedly they had to call the district sales manager to get one.


And now to the present

So last friday I went on his dealers website to see if they showed an Sti Limited in stock and they didn't. Cause I was bored I decided to see what they showed for Impreza's and they showed a Wrx Limited (not at all the same as a Wrx Sti Limited......not the same car) in the exact color I ordered with the exact two options I ordered. The car in their inventory is an urban grey Wrx Limited with armrest extension and subwoofer. So now I am freaking out cause I've waited for over 9 weeks for potentially the wrong car. I was thinking about stopping by one day after work to casually ask if they heard anything about my car since I haven't gotten any sort of news from them. I know for sure they didn't try to do a dealer locate, and they did order it. I just don't know how bad I might go off if it does turn out to be the wrong car.

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If they had to call the district sales manager I am sure it wasn't a normal WRX Ltd.


Anyways, just go call up the dealer or visit and find out. Not much you can do if they got the wrong car since I don't think you had anything on paper.

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Yep I am pretty much up a creek if it is wrong, cause by now I am sure there would be no way to getting a Sti Limited. I luckily didn't put any money down on it though. I am also supposed to be paying invoice for it. If it turns out to be the wrong car, I am going to be mad cause I finally came to peace with this being the car I buy. Only silver lining to this is if it is the wrong car I know they have a 07 spec B sitting there optioned close to what I'd do which again I would get for invoice.
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I was just going to wait it out at this point since its been over 9 weeks already. What's a few more days? I just have a hard time believing that someone/the dealer ordered an urban grey Wrx Sedan Limited with the exact two options I wanted.
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The dealer ordered the wrong car when I ordered mine as well. Waited five weeks for delivery. They took me over to the prep area to check over the car before I took delivery. The car they ordered was a stick when I ordered an automatic. The sales guy says, "I thought you wanted a five speed?" I said "as I told you when I ordered it, 1) I don't know how to drive a stick and 2) how am I going to talk on the phone, eat, and drive at the same time with a stick?" They were able to get me another car over the weekend, although it's no sti limited.
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The dealer ordered the wrong car when I ordered mine as well. Waited five weeks for delivery. They took me over to the prep area to check over the car before I took delivery. The car they ordered was a stick when I ordered an automatic. The sales guy says, "I thought you wanted a five speed?" I said "as I told you when I ordered it, 1) I don't know how to drive a stick and 2) how am I going to talk on the phone, eat, and drive at the same time with a stick?" They were able to get me another car over the weekend, although it's no sti limited.


In your situation I could see them purposely ordering the wrong car. I've always heard that dealers have hard times trying to get stick LGT's. I've heard of dealers doing dealer trades and giving the other dealer Sti's to get a LGT stick. Since they had your name they could "accidentially" order the wrong car and now have an actual customers name on a demand model so they have it in stock. They also know that they could easily do a dealer trade for an auto LGT and make you happy.

The Sti Limited that I order is obviously in demand and if I didn't want it, they'd have it in stock which they never had an Sti Limited. So if by mistake they got a Wrx Limited I don't understand it. I don't think they are in demand. Again I just got to bite my lip and wait until they decide to finally call me, or until the 30th to see what's up.

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So I was talking to my current general manager and how I was going to see what's up with my car tonight. He calls the ex gm to bs some and then asks whats going on with my car. So I hear the" uh ha, uh ha, so you want me to send him over there when you get back? Uh ha." After about 10mins he hangs up. Then my current gm tells me that the ex gm is in Phoenix right now and will be back next week, but he said something about there being a problem with my order.


So I have three thoughts as to what happened.


#1 The new car manager ordered the wrong car. When ordering it he did ask me if I wanted an auto (Sti's are stick only). The Wrx Limited IS the car they ordered for me (at this point I am about 99% positive it is). The Wrx Limited showed up about 3-4 weeks ago and they found out they screwed up. The first time they said they talked to the rep was a complete lie and never did (essentially told me they did cause I was eager). When the wrong car showed up, they tried to hurry up and order the right one, but they are all gone and no way to get one this late in the game. This also explains why they never called me, cause they were still trying to get the right car and I finally gave them no more time to avoid it.


#2 They did order the right car. The rep misunderstood them and put the order for a Wrx Limited for them. The Wrx Limited showed up (again I am at this point almost positive it is the ordered car for me). They've been fighting with the rep to try to get the right car, but the rep's hands are tied cause there aren't any more to be had. Again they could have told me this weeks ago.


#3 The Sti Limited did show up. Knowing they could get a premium for it sold it under me and took the profit. Around the same time they order a Wrx Limited to try to see if they can talk me into it. At the same time they dealer trade for a Urban Gray Sti cause its close enough to what I wanted. Either way they should covered (in this case they are extremely wrong). If this turns out to be the case..........this would make me the most mad.


In all of these situations I ain't getting an Sti Limited.. To quote Joe Pesci " They f*** you in the drive through, they f*** you in the drive through."

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I think they owe you a WRX STI. With leather seats, and a low wing from the parts department.


In your position, I would go for a WRX STI in WR Blue, with a STI limited wing, and 2007 Legacy GT Spec B front seats. (leather/alcantara, rather than cloth/alcantara) Or just Leather front and rear, and any other amenities that the STI Limited had over the STI.


Basically have them make you one, in your choice of colors, for the same price you would have paid for the car they should have ordered for you. They can eat any extra cost of converting it over.

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At this point I have come to several conclusions.


#1 No way am I getting an Sti Limited at this point. I'm not happy about it, but I am more mad at the fact that they didn't keep me updated about what had been going on. They must have know 4-5 weeks ago that an Sti limited wasn't available, but they never contacted me ( I am fully aware that I am not their only customer, but they should still be able to keep the customer informed).


#2 A person I thought I could trust, I can't anymore. The owner of the dealership is already trying to spin a story about how the order "disappeared".


I am supposed to go talk to the owner next week so he can tell me what happened.




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When I ordered my LGT I was hounding the sales guy about three times a week from the day it was supposed to arrive (it was about a month late).


When the car finally came in, it never showed up on their inventory because it was unofficially "sold" to me, because I needed to test drive it.


I had many doubts when I was calling the sales guy. Internet sales doesn't get nearly the commision that on the lot sales get (I'm guessing), so I strongly suspected that they sold it at a higher commision because a buyer just happened to be really interested, and then ordered another one just like it for me from that point on.


In the end I seriously doubt that happened. Everything worked out.


I hope they didn't screw up your order. If they'd screwed up mine I likely wouldn't reconsider either.

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