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The finish on these worry me!


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Before I bought my Legacy brand new, I looked at a few used ones with only a couple thousand miles on them. Every single one I noticed the finish was basically wearing away right at the lug holes. This is worrying me because I really don't plan on buying aftermarket for this car, and I sure as hell don't want these looking like complete garbage in a year or two. So, for all of you out there with 05's and 06's, anyone running into this sort of problem?
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it's because the techs that mount the wheels use impact guns pretty liberally, and almost always the surfaces around the lug holes bear the brunt of it. Most wheels are like this, but some more than others depending on the design of the wheel.


I wouldn't worry about it.

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is it really the finish comeing off or just the black grease?? the grease is a very common thing.



+1^^^^ My wheels had some type of cosmoline or shipping wax inside the lug nut areas. Hot weather would make it run out across the wheels. It looked like a grayish stain. I finally took all the wheels off and cleaned them up.

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