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05 Legacy GT 5eat wheel bearing....


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Just a heads-up thread about a warranty issue I just had resolved.


A few weeks ago I began hearing a faint squealing from my front left wheel. It was not very loud, and it only happened after my car was warmed up and moving faster than 5mph. The noise didnt get REALLY noticible until I was halfway between Fresno and San Francisco, CA on my last road trip.

I took my car to the stealer on Saturday, and they said the entire bearing assembly had to be replaced. Something about this is a new bearing system for Subaru, and all the bearings are contained in a sealed unit. It turns out that one of the bearings came loose, and was rubbing against the rubber seal on the unit.


This was not the dealer I bought my car from. They actually tried to talk me into driving back to Fresno (250mi) on a messed up wheel bearing and take it to my dealer. I laughed at them and said "fix it now." Took them 2 days, but now its fixed, and Im back in Fresno.


BTW - if anyone is thinking about buying a car, or getting it serviced, DO NOT take it to Prestige Imports in Santa Rosa, CA. They are extremely rude on the phone, and they didnt even fix the other issues I asked them to look at (engine oil overfill, low coolant, glove box not catching, trunk indicator lighting up without the trunk being open, check brake wear).

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Two days to fix a wheel bearing?!? Let me guess, they needed to ship the bearing from Peru.




Lee Subaru didn't have a wheel bearing in stock last Friday when I brought my car in. To be clear, the failure was not due to a defect in the design or assembly of the vehicle.


Part came in and was installed Monday.


What's so unreasonable about that?

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Two days to fix a wheel bearing?!? Let me guess, they needed to ship the bearing from Peru.


They actually ordered the part on Saturday (and I believe it came in Saturday), but they said I had to come back on Tuesday to fix it. I didnt get the car back until Wednesday, AND they refused to give me a rental car. I think they said they needed a 2 week notice to issue a rental, or some BS like that, so I got a rental on my own dime.


I thought that was a little unprofessional.

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