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Are there any 2006 LGT's Left?


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My Type-S is for sale and as soon as it sells my wife and I plan to pick up a 06' LGT. 5MT is a must and I really want satin white. I did some searching on Subaru.com but the search feature is really tedious forcing you to search by dealer only. Any other ideas? The rebate on the 06' with 2% below invoice makes it in our price range. We live in SE Michigan but I will drive fairly far if I find one. Let me know. fyi... my car is listed here:




Autotrader: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=211620804&dealer_id=58785085&car_year=2005&search_type=both&num_records=25&make=ACURA&transmission=&model=RSX&distance=25&make2=&address=48855&advanced=&certified=&max_mileage=&max_price=&bkms=1162214420282&sort_type=priceDESC&min_price=&body_code=0&end_year=2007&color=&start_year=1981&drive=&engine=&fuel=&doors=&style_flag=1&cardist=0



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OK, I spent the time and went through all the dealers in Michigan and only found 2 5MT's and they were both blue. Any other ideas? Maybe my only choice is to buy a used one or suck it up and get a 07'... too bad the rebates aren’t high enough yet and I hate the rims!
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Ohio=nothing but a few Spec B's.

Indiana had nothing.

It would take me all night to search the country... any faster ways? Could a dealer help me out? Are there any Subaru salesman on this site?


10 new 06 LGTs available in the Chicagoland area in a 10 second search on drivechicago.com

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nice... 2 white ones in Chicago with 5MT. One was just under 28K and the other was about 30K. I will send them an email and start dealing... Of course the Acura would have to sell. Thanks... Any other info is welcome.
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Are there any 05's left anywhere?

As well, does anyone know of any 06' SWP 5MT's in your area? I looked on Subaru.com (this literally took me hours!): Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Delaware, Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Maryland (17 states!)

I only found 4 SWP's and cannot get any of them for the price I want (25K OTD). I am getting close though (25.8K OTD). Let me know guys. The more ammunition the better.

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cmac33 never replied to me if I remember correctly. I did get a dealer on this forum shoot me some prices but they were higher than my best price so far. I have a huge spreadsheet going of LGT's new and used that are 5MT in ABP, SWP, and BSM only. If you are looking for another color, you will have to do the research all over again. I will be more than welcome to share this with you when I get a chance. I am just slammed at work and with trying to complete the sale of my RSX and shipping to NV. O yea, I need to find an LGT now too! Very busy! A brief breakdown... Best I have found in the Northeast is 24.2K for a new 06’. I am working on used now.

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Well guys... I bought my LGT yesterday. 05' SWP with charcoal interior, 18K on the odometer. Took an Amtrak to Pittsburgh and drove it back yesterday afternoon. Not the best pic, but all I have for now. The pinstrip will be the first thing to go!


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