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Lexus IS350 install as promised :)


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big theory and sciences ahead, i will still say this, in the real world, with real world customers and ears, i have yet to have anyone come to me and say, "hey you know, i can hear these are brand A amps and not brand B!" when brand A and B are comparable in quality and design...


so...in essense thats all i care about, to use quality equipment that i know :) cuase it usually doesnt work if i try to slam the hard core SQ science facts at the csutomers ;)

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Basically Mr. Clark states he can make a $100 amplifier and a $10,000 amplifier sound the same only by altering those parameters which are measurable and able to be manipulated. Basically keeping the amplifiers within thier specified operating range and using a splash of EQ to iron out any frequency anomolies. I believe this to be true as no one has taken his money. On a side note I must be a fool for spending thousands on amplification, cables, power conditioners etc. for my home stereo.


bolded for effect. Not to derail this thread, but please know I understand the concept - heck - I learned from Richard (indirectly). My mentor was a student and business partner of Richard's. I then went on to work for a shop that sold B&W, McIntosh and Levinson and other high-end gear. My 'reference' setup was a pair of Nautilus 801's on a full Levinson stack including a pair of mono amps. Abbey Road Studies (of The Beatles fame) uses five 801's as their mix reference set - that means they are a known baseline to judge other equipment from.


I've personally heard a difference with the same brand of amp, just going from 100 watts to 300 watts per channel (Adcom). Even more so with better quality amps like Levinson - subtle nuances of music and headroom/dynamics. It's hard to measure actual headroom from the output of a speaker - our ears are far more sensitive.

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