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What should i do?

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Ok heres my situation, if any of you can remember, i was in an accident were some bum f**k hit me (wasnt my fault). Everything on the car has been repaired. Although i would note the car seems alot more sensitive to pressure changes in the tires, that may be because i have one new tire on the front, idk. The bumper was repainted and a new body panel was put on. The bumper however is noticeably darker than the fender that wasnt replaced; and darker than the hood was well. It matches somewhat the new body panel however.


What should i do? im talking to the body shop guy probably tomarrow but some suggestions would be nice.


The bumper also doesnt fit right.


Am i just going to have to have them repaint my entire car?

I love my car ... basically.
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Dude, I feel your pain. Went through this with my last car.


In my personal experience, I've never met a body-shop worker who didn't have a special place in hell reserved for him in the afterlife.


Good luck on ever getting the car fixed right, or finding a human being in that industry who takes pride in their work.

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The will have to reapint most of the car for the color to match 100%. Also, all plastic parts of the car are always a little different shade (specially in light colored cars) than the rest of the car.


Check the hood scoop insert, door handles, and to soe extent the bumper and you will notice how they are all a little different.


I was talking to a shop guy while they were fixing a rear bumper on a Accord. He told me that they had to paint the whole 3/4 of the car to get the paint to match to the eye. Perfectly good paint, but it had to be done.





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Yeah you need to blend the paint to get it to match properly. Had to do the same on my car.. the rear door and front part of the fender was damaged so they painted the entire door, the area above the fender and behind the rear windows, up to the rear bumper. It was just a minor scrape from someone not paying attention in a parking lot..
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well my dad knows the body shop manager so hopefully this will be fairly easy, im not very happy they cut corners however. My dad told them i was the customer from hell and that they better do it right the first time. They repaint of the entire car is something i have somewhat feared. Then again, it will be fresh paint and not paint that was sitting and oxidizing on a dealer lot for a year.
I love my car ... basically.
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