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took a buddy of mine out in the GT tonight...

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so i went back to my old job, which happens to be a couple minutes away from where i went to college, to go hang out with some old buddies and see a movie. i surprised one of them, as they didnt know i had bought the GT. so i gave him a brief tour, giving him a basic overview of what the car had. naturally, he wanted to see what it could do on the road, so i obliged. the nice thing about the area up there, is that there are a lot of open roads, and no one around. i got onto a side road, and let loose. i watched as the needle roared up to 6krpm in first, and saw how quick i was getting through 1st and 3rd. since i wanted it to be safe, i let off going into 4th, then eased into 5th. he was impressed at how the GT can move, since i have an automatic. i'll take that as a compliment, as he's a stick guy. after the short demonstration, i turned it around and proceeded to head back so we could meet up with the rest of our buddies at the theater. the turn off to the side road on the way to the theater came a little sooner than i had remembered, so i got into the left turn lane, dropped it down to 3rd, and into the turn i went, applying light pressure on the gas. i came into the turn a little too fast, so i was anticipating slight oversteer, and then it came. the back end swung out a little, but with some countersteer, the car snapped back in line. i shifted into 5th to settle down after this brief drift. my buddy was thoroughly impressed on the way the GT handled. my other two friends after the movie, saw that i did get a new car, and couldnt believe at how subaru redesigned the legacy. anyway, just thought i'd share my little tail of the night.
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[quote name='Legacy05GT']Sweet story. I think all of us owners can agree that almost everyone we've showed our rides to have been thoroghly impressed.[/quote] Yes, strange that - I get it all the time. Yet none of them will buy one - most can afford it. Why? I think it's the image thing of owning a Subaru. They prefer to be seen in a low end BMW, Merc, etc. that cost more but have far less performance and handling. I say to myself how foolish they are.
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[quote name='fan42025'][quote name='Legacy05GT']Sweet story. I think all of us owners can agree that almost everyone we've showed our rides to have been thoroghly impressed.[/quote] Yes, strange that - I get it all the time. Yet none of them will buy one - most can afford it. Why? I think it's the image thing of owning a Subaru. They prefer to be seen in a low end BMW, Merc, etc. that cost more but have far less performance and handling. I say to myself how foolish they are.[/quote] agreed. but on the flipside, i said the same thing about my friend's Z3 when he got it a couple years ago. nice car, but i'd never get one. i just like the 'sleeper' look of the GT. sleek styling, yet subtle.
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[quote name='fan42025'] Yes, strange that - I get it all the time. Yet none of them will buy one - most can afford it. Why? I think it's the image thing of owning a Subaru. They prefer to be seen in a low end BMW, Merc, etc. that cost more but have far less performance and handling. I say to myself how foolish they are.[/quote] Agreed. I can't get over how I have to defend my decision to people who just don't understand why I didn't buy a BMW. Fools..... :lol:
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[quote name='Drift Monkey']You might not have needed to countersteer. Just point in the direction you want to go and give it more gas. :D[/quote] thats what i meant when i said countersteer. and i did give it a little more gas to snap it back in line. my friend had this shat himself look on his face when he saw how 'quick' i was able to control it. i think more cred goes to the car than my driving abilities :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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[quote name='Colonel Angus'][quote name='Drift Monkey']You might not have needed to countersteer. Just point in the direction you want to go and give it more gas. :D[/quote] thats what i meant when i said countersteer. and i did give it a little more gas to snap it back in line. my friend had this shat himself look on his face when he saw how 'quick' i was able to control it. i think more cred goes to the car than my driving abilities :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote] Of course. :lol: Just making sure. Countersteering a bunch will lead you into the curb/guardrail. :o
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[quote name='Drift Monkey'][quote name='Colonel Angus'][quote name='Drift Monkey']You might not have needed to countersteer. Just point in the direction you want to go and give it more gas. :D[/quote] thats what i meant when i said countersteer. and i did give it a little more gas to snap it back in line. my friend had this shat himself look on his face when he saw how 'quick' i was able to control it. i think more cred goes to the car than my driving abilities :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote] Of course. :lol: Just making sure. Countersteering a bunch will lead you into the curb/guardrail. :o[/quote] oh, i learned that all too well....when playing GT3 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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[quote name='Xenonk']the REAL magic is balancing the car into a neutral steering situation.. just all with throttle steering.. that's the impressive part. Keefe[/quote] 2 things: there arent enough open roads where i live that i could take the GT out and test it's nimbleness more thoroughly. back up where i went to college is a different story - plenty of roads to open it up. however, with the new job, i dont have much time to make it up there anymore. secondly, as much as i would absolutely love to take the GT to it's handling limits, i've decided that i wont, since it's still brand new, and insurance will be a motherbitch if something were to happen; cant afford to have that happen now.
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