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Do Women "buy" Subaru?

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Before we got married, my wife had a saturn. Now we have a Spec.b(and my older legacy work car).


She now will only drive Subarus, and wants to replace my 96 legacy with an STI.


I need it to die first.

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My wife and I weren't considering a Subaru until we went and test drove it. She went first and she loved it. If it wasn't for her we might not have purchased it because I was going to think about it, she wanted to buy this one now because she loved it.


And yes, our gay friends have been giving us $h!t about owning a lez-mobile.


Actually though, the new Subarus don't have that rugged hiking boot look anymore that I think the lesbians liked so much. Our 2.5i wagon looks very sporty and not at all "Outbacky." I think most women prefer the Forester (60% of the buyers are women) because it gives them the SUV look/capability, but it much easier to drive and live with. And it doesn't carry the "station wagon" stigma which I just don't get. SUVs are just wagons with bad handling and terrible gas mileage.... American car buyers are ignorant that way.

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I will have to say that my family falls in to the camp where my wife wouldn't be driving a Subaru if it weren't for me.


+1 for me, too.


However, I know *plenty* of women, gay or straight, who outright sought their Subaru purchases themselves, and are loyal Subaru owners who will most definitely continue to own Subarus come time that they need to ditch their last Subaru.

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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My girlfriend never really thought much about cars since she takes a train to work. I took her along when I bought my LGT and she started eyeing the Impreza wagons. I don't know if I could convince her to go for a WRX though, going from a 96 Sentra to a WRX might be too big a power increase for her...
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It probably has alot to do with Martina's endorsement deal with Subaru. I mentioned to a friend last night that I had a Subaru and he gave me the lesbian line. I took him for a ride and I think I was able to change his feelings about Subaru's, at least for the Legacy.
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I must say that I also see numerous women matching your description (how's that for PC?) driving Forresters, but usually the pre 04's. I don't know what it is about those cars, but seem to attract that demographic.


I too am of the opinion that the 05+ Forresters are dead sexy.


As far as Subaru's in general go, I think you have to be sold on them. My family has owned one Subaru or another since I was born, so it wasn't a new thing to me. My college roommate was in town for the summer working on a contract project with me, and we drove my '03 WRX the whole time. That changed his mind from getting a Grand Prix in a hurry. He now owns an '04 WRX Stage II, he's on his second engine and clutch, and I've now got my Legacy Stage II, luckily still on the first round of parts.


Just taking someone for a ride seems to do a lot of good! Usually, at least with the LGT, you get the "holy ****" from most poeple. Taking thruway on ramps with an exit speed of 80 usually gets the pucker factor going for most folks too...

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My girlfriend never really thought much about cars since she takes a train to work. I took her along when I bought my LGT and she started eyeing the Impreza wagons. I don't know if I could convince her to go for a WRX though, going from a 96 Sentra to a WRX might be too big a power increase for her...

Eh. My gf made the same jump (98 Sentra). 6 months after getting the car it went to Stage2. Now she's had the car more than a year and loves it.

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Eh. My gf made the same jump (98 Sentra). 6 months after getting the car it went to Stage2. Now she's had the car more than a year and loves it.


^ I'll second this, atouk.


Wifey went from a '03 Civic EX to her WRX.


Loves the power of the WRX, particularly in merging situations. And she's been nothing but totally impressed about the vehicle's handling, especially in foul-weather.


I feel that the stock WRX is quite benign in its boost characteristic. It's a nice push in the pants, but it also doesn't "kick" enough that it'll scare uninitiated drivers.


Get her to test drive one. She'll love it. :)


And honestly, I have more than a sneaky feeling that my wifey would love increasing the WRX's power even more, and that she'd truly enjoy that little car at "Stage II." However, I'm under *strict* orders to "keep it stock!" :(

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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True Story: When I proposed to my wife, she said "Yes, but promise me you will never buy another Subaru." She had a bright red '89 325is at the time, and was very much a German badge slave (Basic Marin Wheels) kind of gal.


She even did a few trackdays with me in my old WRX, and is a very competent driver on the track. She thinks the WRX and the OBXT are fun to drive and fast, but she utterly "hates" them and manages to bring-up "your #$%@ing Subaru" in every arguement. My wife, BTW, is not a lesbian; though I'm trying to get her to go bi.

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...but she utterly "hates" them and manages to bring-up your "#$%@ing Subyaru" in every arguement.


My wife is, BTW, is not a lesbian;


though I'm trying to get her to go bi.








And Amen Brother! :lol:




Great story! :)

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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O.K. I know alot of women drive Subarus out there, but how many of them actually did the research and either bought or suggested to buy a Subaru. It just seems like most women have to be broken into getting a Subaru.


male "Honey why dont you get a Subaru?"

female "A what? Why dont I just get this Accord?"



This woman did a lot of research b4 I bought another Subie. Course, I am a dyke, does that count? Accord? pleeeeeeassssse!:lol:

"Belief does not make truth. Evidence makes truth. And belief does not make evidence."
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Women love the turbo.

YES, i love the TURBO!


and prior to my LGT, i preferred toyotas. hubby now works for subie and will be upgrading to an STI next year. then my turn! :D maybe some major mods or trading out for the spec B... who knows... maybe i'll like his STI and get one myself. dunno yet.

Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah!!!
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I bought my legacy for the sole purpose of AWD and many other reasons i found out through research. Anyway, where I live i cant drive a mile without seeing a legacy, and the driver is usually a woman of age 30+. I guess its no secret the legacy is a great car. hmm.
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My parents (mom) actually turned me on to the thought of a Suburu via the following course of events.


WARNING - Parts of this are about a Forester!


Ok - so my godmother bought a Forester, LL Bean Edition. Soon after, my parents were visiting her and my mom wanted to test-drive the car. (One thing to note is that my mother, in 30+ years of marriage, has NEVER cared about test-driving any car up to this point - if it ran, it was ok with her.) Anyways, she tries it out and loves it. My dad told me later that as they were driving home in the good ole minivan that she turned to him and said "I want that car! The same exact color, features, everything."


My dad was actually happy b/c it was the first time she ever cared about a car and wanted her to have something that she really liked for a change. Needless to say, he started looking and a few weeks later got a great deal from a guy he knew that just happened to be a sales manager at the local Subaru dealership.


Needless to say, my mom loves the car. It's the first car she has ever (sincerely) offered to drive so my dad can get some rest on long trips. In fact, she drops him off at work every morning just so she can drive it!


Anyway, I drove it and loved the handling (for a wagon-type car) and features. About a year later, after looking at Audis, BMWs and the like, I bought my LGT and love it - it's by far the best car I've ever owned. More horsepower than an Audi A4 1.8T, better mechanical reliability and a hell of a lot cheaper.


Oh, and the women love it....

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My wife, BTW, is not a lesbian; though I'm trying to get her to go bi.

I have the same goal, so that's why I bought the Subie for myself. I figured maybe it would act as an ice breaker for a conversation with a nice bi girl, and then I could take her home to my wife.... :)

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I see plenty of women in Subaru's around here. The thing I don't see is African Americans riding in them.


Ouch? Thats bad. Look the Turbo Sibbie is A GREAT machine. Just because Blacks don't buy it is meaningless. It is really a niche auto, nobody really knows about it, it ain't got a lot of bling and you won't see it on TV. SO what? It's a fun car, sort of like the early VW GTI's ( adding sways of course).


So the LGT is an enthusiasts class of car, you know, the grin on the off ramps or on ramps. Or the the low key power from a standing start.


Enjoy your car, there are few is this class anymore!

"Belief does not make truth. Evidence makes truth. And belief does not make evidence."
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Ouch? Thats bad. Look the Turbo Sibbie is A GREAT machine. Just because Blacks don't buy it is meaningless. It is really a niche auto, nobody really knows about it, it ain't got a lot of bling and you won't see it on TV. SO what? It's a fun car, sort of like the early VW GTI's ( adding sways of course).


So the LGT is an enthusiasts class of car, you know, the grin on the off ramps or on ramps. Or the the low key power from a standing start.


Enjoy your car, there are few is this class anymore!


SOA doesn't market to blacks at all. I've never seen a Subaru commercial with a black person on it. My parents are good friends with someone who works for the Subaru office here. He says they'd like to do more Hispanic/Black marketing but it's never happened.


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