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Best Buy Prank


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are you a lawyer? do you practice law?


Didnt think so!


you dont have to be told to leave to be tresspassing.



why dont you go back to flipping burgers




Let's scan W-2's for the past 10 years, then we will see who has the burger flipping wages in comparison ;)


I could have been a police officer like my both parents, or both of my grandfathers or like my sister. And I'm sure that I know more law than you do, as in I decided not to practice law because it was too damn boring. Prosecutors don't get paid enough to make it worthwhile (power tripping is not my thing) and I would make a lousy defense lawyer, being properly raised in a law enforcement family, I would not be effective counsel to someone I knew was guilty of the crime he/she was charged with.


I respect you for having the courage to wear the uniform, but saying you would have arrested all of the participants because you did not think their prank was funny sounds a bit narcissistic.

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The next time they do something like that, some other group should turn the prank on them by getting a bunch of people to wear dark suits and ties, shades, and with earphones, walkie talkies, and a bulge under their suit jacket. Then they should follow the first group of pranksters around and intimidate them without saying anything.:lol:
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