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Reason number 184,995,424 why AWD > RWD

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I keep a framed photo of "The Tree of Shame" by my front door just to remind myself to not be dumb. Actually that photo is cati-corner from a photo of a statue of Icarus, put there for the same reason.

Martin Luther - "Who loves not women, wine and song remains a fool his whole life long."



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There are no hay bales or water barrels on public roads. Hope these guys just hurt themselves (well not really, just their cars),not innocent people.
"Belief does not make truth. Evidence makes truth. And belief does not make evidence."
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I highly doubt AWD would have made any difference there. Looking at the road, the guy was almost certainly not hard on the gas when his spin started. Most likely his loaded outside rear tire got into some gravel or dirt and sent him around.


There are a thousand roads near my home just like that one. You can drive a narrow country road like that a hundred times and get bit the 101st. Ask me how I know.

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Having owned a high powered rear wheel drive car (just like most of you guys probably) I know how easy it is to goose it a little in the corner and have the back end get away from you. I've never felt that giving the subie a little low gear torque in a corner is going to put me into a spin like I did in my Mustang. I don't know what is 100% to blame for that accident, but my money would be on sloppy driving of a high powered RWD car.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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That is the wrong type of road to try and push a car hard on. Dumbass.


specily a narrow road with ONCOMING traffic and blind corners... hes lucky he did get nailed by / nail someone else

"i like my women the way i like terrorists...

...screaming gods name and ready to explode."



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I spun my Miata going around a left bend similar to that. I was on the road, but managed to find a patch of chewed up road plus gravel with my right rear tire. I wasn't on the gas, just cornering hard. I was 90 degrees sideways before I could even react. I've gotten the Miata loose a million times, and knew how to keep the back end in line, but this was way beyond my ability to recover.


I ended up off the road, stuck in dirt, about five feet from either smashing into a tree or going down a large ravine. Lucked out.


A couple years later I wasn't so lucky... I spun the car on a slow right turn that I had taken MUCH faster many times... I was literally driving in grandma mode. I don't know what caused it to this day (the road was clear), but the story ends with me backwards in a ditch after the front of my car was ripped off by a cliff wall.



In neither case was I on the gas. If my Miata was AWD I would have suffered the same fate.

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Looks like the WRX guy had his hand out of the car waving or something.

The Corvette guy lost control the numero one way people lose control on RWD power cars. They hit a patch of gravel with one wheel. Even with the power off the weight transfer to the wheel will cause it to slip. On an AWD car recovery may be quicker but you can see how fast things happen, no way can you use your AWD to save you in this situation. Just don't do it! These guys could have hit and innocent family head on:icon_mad:

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What I was trying to say is, off the throttle AWD isn't any better than RWD; it doesn't give you more traction, it just has more wheels to distribute power to in case of slip.


Yeah, driving around blind corners like that is irresponsible. But that could have happened even at "responsible speeds". My car-killing spin happened on a 25mph right turn where I was doing 25mph! I took the same corner at 40mph in the past, no problem.

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