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FWIW- wipers replaced under warranty

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not that thier was ever any doubt, but i swung by me dealership to ask about replacement wipers... they had no problems with replacing them under warranty.

The only catch was that they had to do the switch so they could keep the old ones to return to SOA.... wasn't too big a deal, the tech just swapped them out right in the parking lot.

Now i've got to find out if they'll do my brakes for me as well... I'm sure they'll put up a fight though, seeing as how i've done aftermarket suspension work.

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not that thier was ever any doubt, but i swung by me dealership to ask about replacement wipers... they had no problems with replacing them under warranty.


The only catch was that they had to do the switch so they could keep the old ones to return to SOA.... wasn't too big a deal, the tech just swapped them out right in the parking lot.



Now i've got to find out if they'll do my brakes for me as well... I'm sure they'll put up a fight though, seeing as how i've done aftermarket suspension work.


The brake pads have to be worn down to 1.0mm of pad material or less before they will replace them under warranty...

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