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Powerwheels FTW!


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Oh shit the Lambo crash going backwards was a bigun :lol:


I remember I used to have a Porsche you could fit 2 people in (driver and passenger) and one day I was driving it (7 or so at the time) and my younger brother (5 or so) was riding shotgun, well we were riding along the top of the bank seen below in the pixor (imagine the lower tier of the bank not existing at the time, so the dropoff was a bit steeper and about 4 feet taller and completely covered in prickerbushes) and some how the Porsche swerved to the right and I bailed out as it tumbled down the bank with my brother still in it....


Yea Powerwheels were the greatest!!!!!!



JDM'd All to hell


Thanks Jimmy @ Hkc-Speed.com!

RIP Coxx & Thanks

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oh thats just mean. My grandparents had a corvette one and they lived in West Virginia. The house was at the bottom of this steep hill about 50-60 yards long. So i took that vette down the driveway and those plastic wheels starting sliding and it turned over and kinda looked like the video. It hurts alot more when your only 7.
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