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How tough is a Honda? [vid inside]


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Holy shit.... lol That is too funny! I didn't beat on it as bad as they did on that Honda, but I ran my 78 Subaru wagon through similar stuff trying to kill it. The sucker wouldn't die. It finally died of an electrical problem and I sold it. They guy fixed the problem and it was still on the road the last time I saw it. lol Gotta love Japanese durability.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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The sad thing is that it appeared to be a good running motor when they started. No smoke... no missing, nothing.


Why ruin a perfectly good motor? Someone would've easily taken that.


French! ;)

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The sad thing is that it appeared to be a good running motor when they started. No smoke... no missing, nothing.


Why ruin a perfectly good motor? Someone would've easily taken that.


French! ;)


+Un! Seems like a waste of motor.


French! :icon_tong

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Subies do really well when treated as such, I've tried many times with the old field beaters and those babies wouldnt go down


I tried, well sort of, to kill my '71 Super Beetle. It was my first car and I drove it about 25k miles in 2 years (I commuted to a private HS about 30 miles round trip) and NEVER did a thing to it in maintenance. Never even changed the oil! Really, I didn't. It leaked about a quart a month so I figured I was replacing the oil every 4 months or so anyway. I mean, the engine didn't even have an oil filter, just a screen (which literally had sand in it when I finally checked it before I sold it - I had 3 sandpits within a mile of my house and had ALOT of fun in them :icon_bigg ). The only thing I ever did to that car was replace tires. I beat the HELL out of that car. The spedo went up to 90 and the official manual top speed of the car was 81. I had it up to 89 going down a good decline on 95 in Maine one day. My friend following me said the exhaust pipes were glowing red and spitting sparks. Ah, there's nothing like a boxer 4 engine :lol: .

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I guess a person could make it more interesting and see what the effect of putting a 7.62 NATO round into the block when the motor is redlined would be. I'll bet it would be a catastrophic engine failure. I should try it sometime on a beater car.
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