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"Nice S Yo!" ???

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Drove a buddy to the pool hall tonight for some shooting. Walking in, some kid leans out the window to tell me "Nice S Yo!"


I am confused. He obviously didn't think it was a Camry. He couldn't have thought it was an S2000 ... what did he think I was driving?


The ONLY thing I can maybe think he confused it with was an older TL Type S.



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That thought mildly crossed my mind, but what Subie fan would call it an "S" to begin with, and what Subie fan would say "Yo." Finally, he was in a truck about 5 miles from hickville ... no one out there knows what a Subaru is.


I'm not convinced. I'm left feeling scared and confused.

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Could have been "nice ass."


Since he said "Yo" at the end of the sentence, there's a solid chance he's gay. But it was -10 degrees and my long jacket definitely covered my ass. Maybe his brain froze.


hmm ....

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no ladies along with us. just two guys out to drink some beer and play some pool.


I got the call this morning when I was still in Texas. His girlfriend is a teacher and her school had a dance tonight. So I was his savior from having to Chaperone with her! :D


Dude was clearly confused.

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lol, I like that, I may make a decal with that "Nice S YO!" :icon_bigg


Could be Subaru's next big marketing plan to target teh younger audience. Just get some dude like in the 7UP commercial to say it and they would be all set!


**Subaru people you reading this? I am available for hire :lol: **



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This wins the biggest waste of a thread award - CONGRATS!!

Fixed for teh n00b.


Maybe, but I am genuinely curious what the hell he could have mistaken my car for. I'm partially debadged, just have "Legacy" on the back. I think he would have only seen the back side of the car (though he may have seen me pulling in). The thing is, he didn't at all sound like he was joking. He seemed to be a nice guy who was actually paying a compliment. No snickering or sarcastic tone. My buddy was equally confused what the dude was talking about. For the life of me, I don't know what he was talking about. I'm still thinking that he knew nothing about tail lights and thought it might have been a TL Type S.


I like to think my Subie is pretty clean ... nothing particularly flashy on it, so who knows.

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If he new enough about your car to know what it is, by appearance, he new it was a Subaru Legacy.


The Legacy is not exactly a HUGELY identifiable car, even with the badges left on. If someone recognizes it, AND knows enough about it to think it is NICE, then they know it is a "S"ubaru Legacy. Y'all need to know when to give a passer-by some credit for knowing more than your average bear.

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Ok... then what?


S for subaru might not be the most common or logical... but who knows what slang a kid leaning out a car window will use. Most of the point of Slang seems to be to use expressions that no one else uses, for the sake of being "individualistic", anyway.


It is fine to think that s for subaru might not be what he meant and it might not have been, but I am not seeing a whole lot of other even remotely applicable suggestions. It is easy to shoot down ideas, but harder to offer some, and you asked for them...


The point is, he recognized the car, and he thought it was nice, enough so that he felt it necessary to hang out a car window to TELL you so, not just make a comment to himself, or his buddies in the car. Those things apparent suggest he knew exactly what he was looking at, and simply referred to it in a different way, as most young people do, for whatever his reason.


p.s. sorry if the tone seems a little sharp. I am not trying to be, but I am scratching my head why one would ask for suggestions, and then soundly dismiss the ones given.

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