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I live in one CRAZY neigbhorhood!!


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Thursday night, around 11:30 I get this knocking at my front door, it was a cop asking "who's white car is that?" First thing I thought to myself was 'oh crap, I hope nothing happend to the Subaru 2.5RS or the BMW 325is'.. turns out that it was my father's 2002 Accord that was the subject of the situation.


Appearently, 3 suspects were pulled over some ways at the Wheaton/Rockville area due do a drug deal that just happend in front of them.. I guess it was a sting operation or something.. cops pulled the car over as it was about to leave the scene of the transaction. As the cop was approaching the suspect's car, the suspect took off and started to evade the cops.


The suspects got far enough to elude the cops by turning into MY neighborhood and then turned off their headlights and turned into my court where it is really dark..


well, stupid drug dealers didnt see my father's Accord and ran into it. After the impact, the suspects fled on foot. The cops drove past my court and didn't see the car until they double back and found a car "parked" oddly. K-9 units went out for the search but no luck. Well, onto the pics:













Going to take the car to the shop to get an estimate tomorrow. I havent reported this to the insurance company yet because it looks soo minor for now. Deductiable is $250.. so it would be pointless to claim this if this can be paid to be fixed out of the pocket. It sucks to report such a minor accident to the insurance company so that can rape not just my father, but me as well as it will be deemed as a "dangerous" place to live and will be considered "a higher risk" and raise our rates of the people in the area.. it just sucks.

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Brutal. It is the sh!ts being a victim of crime, where you are just minding your own business and being a productive member of society and something like that happens... and it puts you out big time.



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This reminds me of the time my friend who lives behind me got woken up by the cops at like 3 in the morning. They had an old Corolla they used to park in the street.It was in their neighbor's yard,2 houses down, and across the street...

Apparently some drunk ran into it, kept going, and pushed it into the yard, and then took off....:icon_eek:

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From the looks of that side marker on the Hyundai it was recently replaced. It has junkyard ID numbers in crayon marked on it. Might pay to ask around local junkyards who recently sold a side/signal marker for that year Hyundai. Might lead to something.
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A few weeks back I'm taking the trash to the street around 1AM, see a Jeep Gr Cherokee flying down the street, tries to take a rt turn at about 40+. On ice & snow. Makes it about 45 degrees into the turn, then thru a yard, some junipers & into the HOUSE.


The property owner now has boulders strategically staged around the yard...

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Keefe, did the police do an accident report? They should have checked for insurance on the other car. Even though they did not catch the driver, if the car had insurance, you'll still be covered.

Fat people are hard to kidnap!!!

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Criminals SUKS!! glad none of you guys were injured...

so who pays for all the damage?



The comphrensive side of my father's insurance would have to cover it (which is the crappy part). Since the person that was at fault could not be identified, it is charged as a 'break in' or 'vandalism'.

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Keefe, did the police do an accident report? They should have checked for insurance on the other car. Even though they did not catch the driver, if the car had insurance, you'll still be covered.


yea, there's a police report written up. And the other car was registered in VA which the car is probably stolen... and of all luck, the car registration didn't show up with any insurance info (since it's two seperate things).

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That sucks Keefe... though it's fortunate the dork didn't t-bone the Accord... that would have sucked a lot more.



yea, it's just paint scratched off on the bumper.. which comes out just about $200~$250 to fix anyways... which also makes it pointless since the deductiable cost just the same amount.. there's no point to make a bad mark with the insurance company for filing paper work which could be taken care of yourself.. that's the part that sucks.


Hopefully I can the owner of the car to pay for this.. but I am worried that the car isn't insured so it just comes back for me to deal with it.

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