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Paint Issues on legacy GT


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No idea, man. I'd just stick to getting information from the dealership. I think someone screwed up the car and had it repainted and didn't tell you. That is illegal in most states and I'm sure they don't want to cut you a check for diminished value.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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I think i'm gonna go straight to the head person at the dealership and talk to him because this isn't right. What if the the rest of the car's paint is messed up? I wish i could just give back the car to them and tell them to give me a brand new one because who knows what has happened to this car. I love the car but just the fact that it is peeling this new and the dealer is giving me a crappy attitude it makes me not want to have the car anymore.
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My car i purchased without a paint / rust perforation warranty, which was part of an insurance companies buyback -- i guess only a few select delears get those sort of cars back from SOA once they're deemed 'fit' for service. I got mine with 12 miles on it "used" (still new... but used because the previous owner was the insurance company).. and i hope i don't have issues like that forthcoming.
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Sometimes cars get damaged on the lot and the dealership has to have them repaired. If they do a good job then you can't even tell. This one looks like an example of a shitty job by the dealership to cover their mistake. I think a lawyer would tell you that you should be compensated for this or else be allowed to return the car for a full refund. They won't have to give you a new car at the same price or anything, but if you knew the car had been repaired before they sold it to you then it might have influanced your decision to buy it. They owe you either the chance to give the car back or else they can compensate you for diminished value based on the repair work. They could always throw in a tint job or clear bra or something like that and make it better. Offer them that as a suggestion and see how far you get with it. My bet is that they are eager to make you happy on this so you don't report them.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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I would definetly take this right to the top. The fact that they can't give you any info about it, as well as not have a loaner car for you is complete BS. If the service manager is giving you the run around, go right to the owner of the dealership. Make an appointment or whatever you need to do to speak with them personally.


There is NO excuse what so ever that they can't provide a loaner car for an obvious problem on their part, when the car is only a few months old. They tried to pull the no loaner car with me when i had some warranty work done and i didn't stand for it. Somehow they managed to "find" one for me. If not, tell them they can certainly cover a rental car for you then...


If all else fails...call big brother SOA and get them involved. The dealers seem to run when big brother comes knocking.


Either way, make sure you get an explanation for all of this.

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Well i spoke to the head manager yesterday and he told me to bring in the car on tuesday so that they can repair it. I asked what is going on and what happened to the car. He told me that when they take the tape of the car thta it can sometimes peel off the paint of the bumper. He made it seem like this was normal. What should i do? Should consult a lawyer or something? This is not normal that a brand new car be like this. He made it seem like they would take care of it and that is it. I'm afraid of diminished value. What do u guys think?
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diminished value could be a concern. I'm no paint expert or anything, but i have never heard or seen protective tape causing anything like this. Do they even typically put that stuff on the bumper? I know the hood, doors, roof, but not sure on the bumper itself. I guess its possible for the adhesive on the tape to do that.


Something still sounds fishy though. I still might be inclined to take it to a body shop and get a second opinion of what they think may have caused it or if they have at least heard of anything like this.


Any word on the loaner? There should still be no excuse for that, especially with a 30k car and it being only 4 months old. Except no excuses!

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Well, i took my car to a body shop yesterday and he took a look at the patches of peeled paint. He said that the car was definitely re-painted. We also found other little patches of peeling paint and bubbles on the front bumper. So right now I am upset at the dealer for lieing to me about this. What do u think i should do. I know they are going to repaint the bumper for free but how do i know this is not going to diminish the car in value?
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This sounds like dealer fraud if it wasn't disclosed to you. If it were me, I would be investigating having them buy it back at the original cost.


How do you know they won't do the same lousy paint job again? How do you know they won't get overspray all over your car? What other parts did they repair and not tell you? Etc...

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well i just got off the phone with the service manager and he said that the peeling paint is not subaru's. He said that the car might of been damaged in freight and someone repainted it. He said that the dealer has no record of the car being repainted at the dealer. So yeah just heard it from him.
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well i just got off the phone with the service manager and he said that the peeling paint is not subaru's. He said that the car might of been damaged in freight and someone repainted it. He said that the dealer has no record of the car being repainted at the dealer. So yeah just heard it from him.


Uh-huh. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in New York.


When the cars are damaged in freight, you know who repaints them? Hint: it's not the freight company. It's the dealership that takes delivery. So unless your LGT was swapped from another dealer, the SM is not being honest.



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Well, i took my car to a body shop yesterday and he took a look at the patches of peeled paint. He said that the car was definitely re-painted. We also found other little patches of peeling paint and bubbles on the front bumper. So right now I am upset at the dealer for lieing to me about this. What do u think i should do. I know they are going to repaint the bumper for free but how do i know this is not going to diminish the car in value?


If they do it right then there shouldn't be any way to tell. They can strip the paint off the bumper or just put a new one on. They thing that was wrong about the first time they did it was that they didn't prep the paint. It sounds like they just air brushed over whatever damage there was and tried to blend it over existing paint. It was a quickie job that they probably didn't even take the bumper off for. Feel the hood and fender of the car. If it feels rough and gritty then there is your proof that they didn't take the bumper off when they did it.


Either way, I think they should replace the bumper with a new one. They can take one off another LGT of the same color if they want to just as long as you get an OEM quality non damaged bumper. Either that or they can take the car back. Call a lawyer and have them sort this out for you. It is obvious that the dealership thinks you are a chump and they are going to play you like one.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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I would consider a buyback as a last option. It's just the bumper, right? Have them replace it. A lot cheaper for them than to buy back the car. But if they balk... then let loose the dawgs yo! ;)

-=- Livin life at 140 BPM -=-

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Uh huh, I worked for a dealer a LONG time ago, and the worst thing I saw was a Pontiac GP with bullet holes all along one side (glass blown out too.) We (I was not in a decision-making capacity by the way) threw it in the body shop and fixed it. God save my soul.
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Do you guys think i should talk to SOA about this first to see what they say? What really gets me angry is that the dealer is trying to cover there butt and they think a quick fix is what is going to make me happy. They say that the car was not repainted at their dealer. If i were to go to a lawyer, what kind of lawyer would i consult?




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SOA won't care because it isn't their problem. This all falls square on the shoulders of the dealership since they are the ones who knew about the damage.


I would call any personal injury attorney. I was a paralegal for a personal injury firm in town for 2 years and I can tell you that it only takes rudimentary knowledge of contract law to know that if they gave you a car that was supposed to be new without disclosing damage they knew was there, then the contract is void and they are required to refund you every penny you financed. An attorney would want to see the contract and then they would likely call the dealership and talk to them about it. The dealership will likey call their lawyer so their interests are protected too, and the two lawyers will hammer out a deal. The dealership's lawyer will know they are screwed and will more than likely just offer to have the bumper replaced good as new versus giving you a full refund and taking a car back on the lot that they now have to sell as used.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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They never offered because dealerships don’t always feel the need to offer good customer service. A good dealership would have been falling all over themselves to get this taken care of for you. If this were my dealership then I would have had a bumper pulled off a brand new car and installed that instead of making you wait for the repair.

If this happened to me and the dealership wasn’t willing to fix the problem, then the first thing I would have done was call a lawyer. So they knew I was serious. The lawyer would put it in better terms and be more rational than I would be in this situation.

Make this point…. Tell them that obviously the car has been repainted before and you don’t trust them to take it back to the same place to be repainted again. Tell them you want a brand new bumper with brand new paint on it or else you will report them to the BBB and you will sue them for damages. Screw the sales manager. Send that letter directly to the GM via certified mail.

I received terrible customer service from an Acura dealership once. I sent an email through their website and told them that I wouldn’t buy wiper fluid from their dealership if this is how they treat their customers. I got a call from the owner of the dealership the next day who offered to do everything possible to make the situation right. I know the sales manager may not seem to care, but there are higher ups in the dealership that do not want this to get blown out of proportion and would prefer to cut their losses and make it right. Send the right letter to the right people and you will get results. Have a lawyer in your back pocket just in case…


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Definatly go for a new bumper. I like the idea of taking one off another car on the lot, putting it on yours and then they can worry about it. That way you have an OEM paint job and no diminished value. If they repaint the front bumper the color will always be slightly off. Its just the nature of it. I had a red mustang cobra that I had the hood and bumper repainted. It always looked a little darker. Not that bad but I could see it. At night I could really see it if I was in a parking lot under those flourescent lights.
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