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pulsing/ vibration while turning?

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Hi all,

So this winter we have and 08 legacy that we have recently started noticing a vibration/ pulse while turning. It feels like the vehicle is strained under load and the cold seems to make it more pronounced. The first thing I did was check power steering and toped that off. Front suspension arms and tires are all new as of this summer and the vehicle has been aligned.  There is a bit of a whiring/ whining sound that I assume to be steering pump related, it only happens when steering.

These symptoms are the same when turning left or right, it just seems to be straining and turning the wheel feels like there is more tension to do so.  I have tired googling these symptoms and unfortunately most of what comes up is suspension related.

What should I be looking for next and does this sound like I am on the right track?


Thank you for any advice on this.




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If it's fine in a straight line, but feels like you need more throttle than usual while making tight turns it's usually the suspect.  If it's an automatic transmission a way to really pin it down is to install the front wheel drive (fwd) fuse under the hood. It should be in the fuse block, just take the spare 10a fuse and put it in the empty slot.  the AWD light will illuminate on the instrument cluster and only the front wheels are powered.  If your tight turn binding is gone, it's the center diff. If it's a manual transmission there is no such test but it's still almost definitely the center diff.

Either transmission the parts will need to be replaced. the manual is very easy as it's just a unit you swap out, the automatics have a multi plate clutch much like a motorcycle clutch and is quite a bit more difficult.

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Is it making a whining noise that sounds like it’s coming from underneath the hood? It could possibly be your power steering, which is hydraulic, is sucking in air. There is a small O-ring on top of the power steering pump. It only costs a couple dollars to repair. I’m not saying that’s what it is but it’s possible. 

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Vespa could be on to something with the power steering, once you're steered and holding that angle, does it get easier to move or does it still strain? If it's still straining then I would continue to suspect the center diff.  Still don't know if it's an automatic or a manual, but a fluid flush might do you good!

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My apologies , the vehicle is an automatic transmission. As for it turning it moves easily, the steering is not fighting you and what I'm calling a Vibration is not like tires skipping. It's like someone slightly putting a brake on the serpentine belt and thus it felt like it was loosing power under load. We had the same feeling once, oddly when the radiator sprung a big leak. We will go on a mountain drive today and I'll report back what we notice. I'm wondering if my word choice is sounding like differential symptoms when I may be trying to describe something else.


Thank you for all the help, I'll see what we notice today.

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